U.S Junior Amateur Championship

Saturday, July 29, 2023

Charleston, South Carolina, USA

Daniel Island Club (Ralston Creek Course)

Bryan Kim

Quick Quotes

Q. How was it out there today with all the fans, with the cameras? What was it like playing in that?

BRYAN KIM: Right, it's awesome. This is the first time I've played on TV with all these fans. I don't know, it feels awesome, and Josh is such a great competitor always, but especially today. This is such a fun match.

It's been a lot of fun. Just trying to live it up.

Q. You guys were going blow for blow out there; a lot of holes were won by birdies. What's it like playing in a match like that? Does that fuel you?

BRYAN KIM: Right, so I've had a few matches like that earlier throughout this tournament, but just to have it in the finals especially because I knew Josh was going to play really well, especially we've both been playing really well this week to get this far especially.

But I was kind of expecting it, so I knew I just needed to put the pedal down and focus on my game, as I said earlier this week, and it's been working pretty good, so hopefully I can keep it up.

Q. There was that stretch where he won four in a row when he was just putting everything close, and then you answered with a huge par, that long par putt. What was that like?

BRYAN KIM: Yeah, that was huge. Honestly, he hit such a good first putt and got par, and I was like, I have to make it, and if I don't, then I don't, so it's all good. But I saw the line perfectly, and I felt really good about it, and I just hit it, and it popped right in the center of the hole, which was pretty cool.

Q. I think you won the next hole; was that kind of big momentum?

BRYAN KIM: Yeah, for sure, especially after losing four holes. It could have been five. Winning the very next hole -- momentum is huge in match play, so just to only be 1-down heading into the second 18 is huge.

Q. Were you nervous out there at all today? Have you played with crowds like that?

BRYAN KIM: Sometimes I feel more nervous when I play in like money games at home with friends, but obviously I'm nervous, that means I care, but I feel very comfortable. I feel good.

Q. How many text messages did you have on your phone?

BRYAN KIM: A good amount. It's cool seeing all my friends texting me and seeing me on TV.

Q. I saw your dad out there today. Did you have some friends and family out?

BRYAN KIM: Yeah, so my dad, my mom are out here and then my coach flew in last night to come, which was really cool, and I have a few friends from Maryland that have come. It's awesome.

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