U.S. Senior Amateur Championship

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan, USA

Country Club of Detroit

Rusty Strawn

Quick Quotes

Q. Yesterday you were 2-down with two to play and you pulled off a miracle comeback. Did you think maybe today it might happen again?

RUSTY STRAWN: Well, I was hoping I wasn't going to be in that position again, but I missed a short putt, I think, on 14 -- excuse me, 13, which put me 1-down. Then that hole No. 15 all week long has given me fits, that short little par-4. You've got to keep it in play. Then I went 2-down.

Then I was like, okay, here I go again, 2-down with two to play. I thought I made that putt on 17.

Q. How far was it?

RUSTY STRAWN: It was about -- probably about eight feet, and it just slid more -- hit it exactly where I wanted to, just slid more than I thought.

Q. Obviously your best ever finish in a USGA championship. What do you take from a week like this going forward? You're going to play next year; you're exempt.

RUSTY STRAWN: Yeah, I'm excited about that, and to be honest with you, if somebody would have asked me if I made it to a quarterfinals when I first started, I would have taken it because it's a great experience. But I'm looking forward to it. It made me believe that I belong here, that I can play with these guys, and that's encouraging. As good as they are, I think I can play with them, which is --

Q. You've been around, playing in a lot of USGA championships, haven't you?

RUSTY STRAWN: I have. I have. I played a couple U.S. Amateurs and a couple of U.S. Mid-Amateur. I'm playing in the U.S. Mid-Amateur in a couple weeks.

Q. How do you think this experience will help you there? Obviously you've got to walk, but what do you think this week will do for your confidence?

RUSTY STRAWN: It'll do a lot because I'm driving the ball well -- you've got to drive the ball well in USGA events. I'm driving it well and playing good. It does give me a lot of confidence, although I'll be playing with guys a lot younger.

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