U.S. Senior Amateur Championship

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan, USA

Country Club of Detroit

Chip Lutz

Quick Quotes

Q. You still haven't played the 16th hole, but that's not the one you wanted today.

CHIP LUTZ: I know. It wasn't my best day, unfortunately. The wind came up, the conditions were way different, and I didn't adapt the way I normally do.

Q. Was your putter cold again?

CHIP LUTZ: It was to start with. It ended up the green speeds were probably a foot, foot and a half faster. I hit the first one by and then missed it coming by, and then you go the other way and you hit it short. Really my distance control wasn't what I had for the tournament. It was just really off.

That kind of got me kind of perplexed.

Q. Does that get in your head a little bit?

CHIP LUTZ: Yeah, of course. Yeah, of course it does. You sort of second-guess those things and you try to adjust and manage, and I was kind of still staying in the match despite not my best ball-striking, either.

It was a tough day. The winds were up quite a bit today. It really changed how the course played. The setup was different. But usually I'm pretty good at making those adjustments, but I didn't handle it very well.

Q. You played Craig, who you beat --

CHIP LUTZ: I beat him the same round, I think, in Oregon last time so now we're all squared, or tied, so we'll have to have a rubber match.

Q. Maybe next year at Kittansett. He's also a British Seniors champion, too.

CHIP LUTZ: Yes, he beat Gene Elliott. I don't know how that match is going.

Q. Gene is 1-up.

CHIP LUTZ: Yeah, it'll be interesting to see if they play each other.

Q. Another great run for you at a Senior Amateur. Your record speaks for itself.

CHIP LUTZ: Well, you know, there's both pleasure and disappointment, obviously, and that's golf. You never seem to -- only one guy gets to walk away really happy. But it's pretty nice that I got this far and I made a good showing out of it, so I'm happy about that.

Take away most of the positives that's been around all week, but unfortunate that it wasn't with me today.

Q. You get to go to Kittansett next year, which I hear is fantastic.

CHIP LUTZ: It is. I've heard the same thing. I'm in the United States Senior Golf Association. They've got an annual event there, so I'm going to try and get to see that before I go.

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