U.S. Senior Amateur Championship

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan, USA

Country Club of Detroit

Tom Gieselman

Quick Quotes

Q. Talk about this experience for you, getting to the quarterfinals and basically quasi hometown following out here. Exempt for next year. Sum up the week.

TOM GIESELMAN: All in all it was really exciting. It was a whirlwind, but just kind of took it all in, and it was -- I guess the best part about it was having my family here the whole time. Friends were out here. Probably got a thousand texts. That was the best part of the whole thing, whether I won or not. That was really cool.

Q. I guess you find out who the real support is when you get in one of these things close to home and you stay your own bed.

TOM GIESELMAN: Yeah, and the people from all over. Then my game held up pretty good except I didn't putt well today.

Ball striking, I been working on that. Getting better, so always improvement at 59; hopefully I'll be better at 60.

Q. What do you think you'll take from a week like this next year to Kittansett?

TOM GIESELMAN: I'm just going to keep working on the game and be confident that I can make the cut, I can make match play, and I can win matches. Gene is a hell of a player. Somebody told me he is the No. 1 ranked senior amateur in the world right now.

Q. He's 200 and something on the WAGR.

TOM GIESELMAN: I know he didn't have his best out there today, but I felt like could have had him. So that gives me confidence that I can hang with him. It was nice to talk to him because I hadn't seen him for 30 years and he's a really nice guy.

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