U.S. Senior Amateur Championship

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan, USA

Country Club of Detroit

Gene Elliott

Quick Quotes

Q. You're into the final. This close to getting that elusive USGA title that I know you so desperately want.

GENE ELLIOTT: Yeah. Well, you know, this morning was a little bit of a pillow fight. He made a bunch of mistakes, I made a bunch of mistakes. Nobody could really capitalize. Somehow got through that match. Craig Davis just told me I was 6-under through 14.

Q. You were.

GENE ELLIOTT: I really had no idea. I was just -- it was one shot at a time, one hole, one putt at a time.

Q. Was that the best you've played this week in a match?

GENE ELLIOTT: Yeah, definitely. Adam wanted to get to 16 so we could make another two and make four twos. We birdied the three par-3s we played.

You know, the hole-out on 10 from 78 yards was special and pumped me up, you know, kind of when stuff like that happens.

Q. How far was the shot?

GENE ELLIOTT: 78 yards.

Q. With a wedge?

GENE ELLIOTT: 60-degree and took one hop and, boom, went right in the hole.

You know, I just I'm thrilled to be where I am right now. You know, we'll go at it tomorrow just like we have been going at it the last few days.

Q. Have you heard from guys like McCoy?


Q. Jimmy Dunn maybe at Seminole?

GENE ELLIOTT: I haven't heard from Jimmy, but I've heard from a lot of -- from some Seminole members, a lot of Iowa people. Yeah, my text messages have -- I've never had that many text message at once.

I'm sure there will be more tonight or today.

Q. But your resume is really unbelievable. Outside of not winning the U.S., I think 15 Iowa titles, British Seniors, all the other stuff that you've...

GENE ELLIOTT: Yeah, I mean, this is special. This is a special week. We've gotten it this far. Just want to keep doing what I been doing.

And they asked me at the R&A, What does that mean to me, and I said, This is up there with the best I've ever done.

Now here we are again. This is up there with the best I've ever done, being in the semifinals, 6-under par through 14 holes, yeah.

Q. Pretty good.

GENE ELLIOTT: And I had no idea.

Q. Because you were in the zone maybe.

GENE ELLIOTT: I guess so, I guess so.

Q. What is your caddie -- Adam?

GENE ELLIOTT: This is Adam Hansen from Seminole.

Q. H-a-n-s-o-n.

GENE ELLIOTT: Yes, yes, and he is huge, huge.

Q. Comes with you to a lot of events?

GENE ELLIOTT: He's done the last three Senior Amateurs.

Q. Okay. All right.

GENE ELLIOTT: I don't think he's gone anywhere else.

Q. Okay. Go out and enjoy your evening.

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