U.S. Senior Amateur Championship

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan, USA

Country Club of Detroit

Craig Davis

Quick Quotes

Q. 6-under par for 14 holes with an eagle.

CRAIG DAVIS: He saved his best golf for me, yeah. (Laughter.)

Q. Not much you could do.

CRAIG DAVIS: Yeah, I played with him in the qualifying rounds and he didn't play anywhere near that well. Looks like his game has gotten better each day.


Q. He's a pretty accomplished guy. Only thing missing really from his resume is one of these.


Q. The amount of stuff he's played and won.

CRAIG DAVIS: Exactly. And he's had the toughest draw this week too.

Q. Yeah, he's beaten two USGA champions, the local guy, and now you.

CRAIG DAVIS: Yeah. His second day he had to beat McCoy and Hansell. Yeah, what a day that was. He made a 16-footer to avoid elimination on 18.

Q. Yeah, I was there. I watched.

CRAIG DAVIS: Oh, yeah, I was there too watching that. No, it was -- you know, I think he's just kind of destined to win this. I didn't play all that terrible. I think I played better actually in the afternoon than I did in the morning.

Q. That's match play.

CRAIG DAVIS: Yeah, that's match play.

Q. How would you rate your week? This is the best you've ever done in a USGA Championship, correct?

CRAIG DAVIS: Yeah, I lost to Chip in the round of 8 at Eugene, and so, yeah, this is better than the best I've done.

Yeah, and I'm happy that I get to come back two more times.

Q. So you get to play at Martis Camp, closer to home in two years.

CRAIG DAVIS: Yeah, much closer to home. Yeah, and excited for Massachusetts next year too. My wife's best friend lives in Boston so we're going to be able to -- she'll come with me and we'll visit them so that'll be a blast.

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