U.S. Senior Amateur Championship

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan, USA

Country Club of Detroit

Dave Bunker

Quick Quotes

Q. You ran into the Michigan guy in the semifinals.

DAVE BUNKER: Yeah, Jerry played really well today. Just I didn't have too much of a chance unless I really, really played well. He did a good job today.

Q. Was it just him or was it maybe were you a little fatigued from to the long week?

DAVE BUNKER: No, I played all right. I didn't make as many putts as I would've liked, but I think he made five or six birdies. Really, really solid round today. Really difficult to...

Q. Didn't he jump out with two birdies right off the bat?

DAVE BUNKER: Yeah, he birdied 1, he birdied 3; I kind of messed up 2 a bit, so he was three-up right a way.

Kind of hard to come back from, but I did. I made a little bit of a comeback and then he just ran me out of holes. I tried to get a little too aggressive on 17 and end up making bogey.

Q. 3&1?

DAVE BUNKER: Yeah, 3&1.

Q. How would you rate your week? First Canadian, I mean, almost first international player to win this event.

DAVE BUNKER: Yeah, came close. With COVID it's a little difficult for Canadians to get down and qualify. I was lucky because I was exempt so I didn't have to go through the qualification process, and played well for most of the week.

Hit a lot of good shots and happy with the end result. Sure, I would've liked to have won today and played tomorrow, but Jerry deserved it. He beat me outright today.

Q. Now you're exempt for two more years.

DAVE BUNKER: Yeah, it's great.

Q. You can plan your schedule.

DAVE BUNKER: Yeah, so now I don't have to come across to do qualifying. It's good.

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