U.S. Senior Amateur Championship

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Marion, Massachusetts, USA

The Kittansett Club

Jeff Frazier

Quick Quotes

Q. Just came up a little bit short today, but all in all, semifinalist in your first U.S. Senior Amateur. Just sum up the week for us.

JEFF FRAZIER: I'm sure I'll feel a lot better tomorrow. But you know, he played great. He won. I don't need to leave here feeling like I lost; know what I mean? For that, I'm glad.

But it's just tough losing.

Q. How was the match today?

JEFF FRAZIER: He was solid. He didn't make -- he made one mistake, and that was on 17. He basically said, if you want it, you've got to come get it, and I had a lot of putts that were close but didn't go.

Like I said, he played really solid. That up-and-down on the last hole was just another example of how solid he played. He showed why he's won this before.

But you know, not much I can do. But it's been fun. My brother has been here with me. We've had a really good time.

Q. What did you think of Kittansett? How has it been having your brother here?

JEFF FRAZIER: The course is fantastic. The wind blows maybe a little hard, too hard at times, but it's a great golf course. It sets up well. It's not about length. Very few holes where length helps. I could play here every day, to be honest with you.

You know, I've been in other USGA events; they're all first class. That's why they're great to come to.

Q. Speaking of other USGA events, you're into the next two. You have an exemption into the next two Senior Amateurs, so we'll see you at Martis Camp in California next year, and then the Honors Course in Tennessee in '24.

JEFF FRAZIER: Oh, I've played there. I'm actually going to Erin Hills in September.

Q. You're heading there; what does a week like this do for your confidence?

JEFF FRAZIER: Well, it's a little different there. I may be a little on the longer side for seniors, but I'm definitely on the shorter side when I play in those Mid-Ams. I've played in this will be my eighth one, and I can play with them, don't get me wrong, I know I can play with them, but they've got one of these -- Erin Hills is a big, big boy course. I'm sure I'm going to be hitting a lot of long irons and hybrids. Hey, the challenge is awesome.

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