U.S. Senior Amateur Championship

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Truckee, California, USA

Martis Camp Club

Roger Newsom

Quick Quotes

Q. 13 total birdies between the two of you. That's obviously a tough way to go out when you both are playing good golf.

ROGER NEWSOM: Yeah, especially in the last four years, when I've gotten so close. It's tough.

Q. Your play today, obviously you played very well. You ground out a tough match this morning --

ROGER NEWSOM: I played good the whole tournament and just Todd White is too much. He's a super good player.

Q. Obviously you knew that going into the match --

ROGER NEWSOM: Yeah, Walker Cupper. What am I going to do? Play as good as I can play, and if it's not enough, it's not enough.

Q. That's match play. You can have no birdies and win and you can have six birdies and lose.

ROGER NEWSOM: He's a superior player, and I just -- if you're going to beat him, you've got to raise your game. There's no -- what can you say?

Q. Semifinals is still nothing to shake a stick at.

ROGER NEWSOM: I know, but I've been in the finals, the 32, quarterfinals last year, semifinals this year, and I do 25 surgeries a week.

Q. That's still pretty good.

ROGER NEWSOM: They got on Harvie Ward about oh, he didn't work for a living.

Q. You do.


Q. Well, you get a two-year exemption for this --

ROGER NEWSOM: I didn't even know that.

Q. Two years, so next year and --

ROGER NEWSOM: I didn't know that.

Q. This was your last year of your runner-up exemption, right?


Q. We'll see you back.

ROGER NEWSOM: All right.

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