U.S. Senior Amateur Championship

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Truckee, California, USA

Martis Camp Club

Bob Royak

Quick Quotes

Q. From 4-down to get it to extra holes, I guess that shows the character of your game --

BOB ROYAK: I played good. I didn't putt good. To be honest, I didn't putt well all week. I three-putted twice on the front nine, I think. Just didn't make anything this week. That's the way it goes.

Q. He left you a little opening on 18, too.

BOB ROYAK: Yeah, I thought I hit a good shot, to be honest. I hit gap wedge. We had 150 or something. It felt downwind. I hit it really good. I thought -- all I was trying to do was hit it somewhere in the front, and it was probably two yards short and it backed off. I'd like to have that shot over, obviously. I hit a good shot, made good contact, the ball just didn't carry as far as I thought it was going to.

Q. You guys have a little history, a couple big matches with Concession Cup and here.


Q. Two semifinals in a row for you --

BOB ROYAK: He played well, putted well.

Q. Two semifinals in a row for you.

BOB ROYAK: Just pretty disappointing.

Q. You have one title. You know how hard these things are to win. These things are not easy. You'll be back.

BOB ROYAK: I was in good form. Pretty disappointing. Oh, well.

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