U.S. Senior Amateur Championship

Thursday, August 31, 2023

Truckee, California, USA

Martis Camp Club

Jody Fanagan

Quick Quotes

Q. What a week it was for you. I know you didn't throw up what you wanted to today, but it seemed like maybe the putting wasn't quite there for you today.

JODY FANAGAN: No, I putted pretty well all week. I did three-putt once or maybe twice today. Pins were difficult. It's hard. The pressure that Todd put you under, he played so well.

I struggled a little bit on the greens, but it wasn't my day today, and he deserved it.

Q. Obviously there's World Amateur Golf Ranking for you guys to come over here and play because you're not going to travel that kind of distance to come qualify, so you guys obviously get some points over there --

JODY FANAGAN: I agree. I think it's very significant, the World Rankings. It gives you an entry into these great events.

I think it's a better event when you have people from overseas playing, so if they can qualify through those rankings, I think we've proved if you are in that top 20, whatever it is, you can play. You're able to play. So you deserve your place.

It's a big effort to come over, but I loved every minute of it. Great place.

Q. You achieved something big this week. You're the first international player ever to get to a final of this event.

JODY FANAGAN: There you go.

Q. Obviously the WAGR and the international presence now lately maybe will change that.

JODY FANAGAN: I think so. I think so. It might encourage other people to come and go and travel and to aim high and play with these super players over here.

Q. Obviously you're a Walker Cup guy. You beat Tiger. You've got a lot of things -- I'm sure you'll be watching what's going on this weekend.

JODY FANAGAN: We will. We will.

Q. You played a guy who played in the Walker Cup.

JODY FANAGAN: Yeah, we were just talking about it. He played in 2013, which is whatever, 10 years ago, and I was nearly 30 years ago. No, they're great occasions, and hopefully it should be an exciting match.

Q. Obviously you get some perks for this. If you want to you can play the U.S. Amateur next year, you can play the U.S. Senior Open next year with your former foursomes partner. He's a Senior Open champion. Do you think you'll use those exemptions to come over and play next summer?

JODY FANAGAN: Well, certainly I intend to go to the honors course next year, and you don't want to embarrass yourself at a U.S. Senior Open, but we'll see how all that goes and ties in.

Q. I'm sure Paddy will give you a phone call.

JODY FANAGAN: Give me a few lessons maybe --

Q. Are you close with him still?

JODY FANAGAN: Yeah, we talk a little bit and we text a little bit. He texted me yesterday and the day before to wish me luck. He just maybe needs to give me a few lessons and increase my swing speed.

Q. Rate your week this week. You come up short of the trophy but get to the final, big some big-name players.

JODY FANAGAN: Yeah, you come over and you -- I was 4-over after four holes in the stroke play and I was thinking I was going home early in the stroke play. It was a bit of a bonus to go this far. I wasn't playing brilliantly this summer. But then you get the competitive edge and it comes out and you hole a few putts, and you make yourself hard to beat.

Todd was good today, so I would have had to have been unbelievable today. He gave me nothing.

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