U.S. Senior Amateur Championship

Thursday, August 31, 2023

Truckee, California, USA

Martis Camp Club

Todd White

Quick Quotes

Q. You've done this before, but now you've got an individual title in your name. Put that in perspective.

TODD WHITE: At this point in time, I really can't. Words fail me. I sit here and I look at all the hard work that's gone into it over the course of my life, and it's just incredible validation of that work.

Hopefully it's something that I can take back with me into my career in the classroom and show the students that hard work does pay off, and nothing is given to you. You have to earn it.

I feel like that's what I've done here this week is I've earned it.

Q. Is this a little different feeling than the one you won with Nathan because that was a team event and this is an individual?

TODD WHITE: I really don't think so because with Nathan and I, that was the very first four-ball. Nate and I are great friends, and to accomplish something like that together was a special moment, and here being all the way across the country and just being me.

But again, the text messages from colleagues back at school, my family, and especially Sherri and her --

Q. Sherri is your fiance?

TODD WHITE: Yeah. Sherri Jacobs. Sunday when I didn't tee off until 1:00 and I'm still waking up on East Coast time and I'm up at 3:30 in the morning here and the walls were closing in, and she was there and we talked for a long time on the phone, helped to calm me down, so she's as much a part of this as I am.

Q. Today's match, you got off to a good start. He birdies the first hole but maybe with the weather warming up, you seemed to get in a rhythm in the middle to late of that front nine.

TODD WHITE: Yeah, growing up in the south, I can go ahead and tell you that the temperature and my golf score are inversely related. I'm not a big fan of cold weather golf, but it did warm up quickly here.

Getting off to a good start, and being able to make the birdie on 7 out of the bunker, that was big. That kept the momentum going.

Then the shot that I hit on 9, and then the shot here on 15 --

Q. What did you hit there?

TODD WHITE: I hit 5-wood.

Q. From?

TODD WHITE: It was, I think, 264. That was uphill adjusted, so I took -- it's one of those where I had to do so much math this week with the altitude and the uphill/downhill, I just hope they don't ask me to teach math when I go back to school tomorrow.

Q. What did you hit into 9, wedge?


Q. Obviously they've got a Walker Cup coming up in a couple days. You're a Walker Cupper. I'm sure your mind is on that a little bit, as well.

TODD WHITE: My mind just shifted to the Walker Cup, actually. The Walker Cup, is the the greatest event in golf, bar none. I know that there will be a lot of people who will say that it's Ryder Cup. But having competed in it and knowing what it's all about, I can't think -- I hope the 10 guys who are over there, I hope that they have just soaked in every moment this week. I really do.

It's a whirlwind, as you know, and a couple of years from now, they're going to step back and look at it and go, man, that was a pretty cool experience.

Q. You heard you say TW, he's got a pretty big name that he took down in foursomes back in '95 --

TODD WHITE: Yeah, he took down Tiger, and last night I was thinking, wait a minute, I've got the same initials as Tiger. Obviously a different golf game but the same initials. I just hope it doesn't repeat itself.

Q. What do you think it's going to be like to get that trophy into the classroom?

TODD WHITE: I don't know, but I can't wait to find out.

Q. Obviously you'll put on your desk at work?

TODD WHITE: It'll be there for a little while, and then I know that I'm going to celebrate with some friends at Colleton River and probably some in Charleston, as well, and Spartanburg, obviously, my hometown.

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