Q. What a difference 24 hours makes for you.
MIGUEL ANGEL JIMENEZ: Yesterday it's not me. It's a different guy (laughter).
I never get my rhythm yesterday. I had many bad shots, couldn't hole any putts yesterday. That was yesterday.
Today much better, made much more shots.
Q. Did you do anything after yesterday's round, or did you just get a good night's rest, good dinner, came out strong?
MIGUEL ANGEL JIMENEZ: Yeah, my usual routine. I went to dinner with my wife.
Q. How about the way the course played today versus yesterday?
MIGUEL ANGEL JIMINEZ: Much better. It's much better with the sunshine, no? I played very well, very solid. Missed a couple of shots, hit a couple very well. I still left some out there.
Q. With the sun coming out today, did you see the greens getting a little bit faster?
MIGUEL ANGEL JIMINEZ: The greens have more or less the same speed. They're soft, and they're flat. With the weather we had yesterday, it made the golf course a little more acceptable. Don't have the speed we have on the first day.
Q. Last question, what you would expect for a U.S. Open for this U.S. Senior Open course?
MIGUEL ANGEL JIMINEZ: I hope they're still playing and it's the same that we play.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports