U.S. Adaptive Open

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Village of Pinehurst, North Carolina, USA

Pinehurst Resort & C.C. (Course No. 6)

Jordan Thomas

Quick Quotes

Q. We've got Jordan Thomas here. Nice round again today. You're right in the mix. Can you talk us through the round?

JORDAN THOMAS: Yeah, the ball-striking today was a lot better. Felt like the putter was a lot better today. Really made one loose swing there on the last. I hit one OB with a 5-wood, which is not a great way to finish. But really proud of the way that I really grinded out there today. Yeah, overall pretty happy with where I'm at.

Q. Two rounds in the books; what's the plan for tomorrow to just keep yourself in contention and see what happens?

JORDAN THOMAS: Yeah, exactly. Crazy things can happen out here. I think there's some big numbers waiting kind of like I just made on the last, so I'm living proof that a big number is out there. It's really just seeing where we are at the end of the first nine and then we may push the pedal a little bit. There's some places where I can be a little more aggressive. Today was again pretty conservative. But ball-striking wise I feel really good right now.

Q. Obviously 18 holes left, but have you given yourself the chance to think what it would be like to be the champion?

JORDAN THOMAS: Yeah, of course I have. Of course I've thought about what it would be like. But really that's so far ahead. It's the old cliche of staying present, being here now. But yeah, of course I've thought about it.

Q. How does this experience at the inaugural U.S. Adaptive Open compare to other tournaments you've played in in the past?

JORDAN THOMAS: Well, I don't really play much competitive golf. The feeling of the nerves is very real for me. I was a little nervy on the last, on the first. But to be a part of this field, I was again with Amy today and my pairing was amazing today. So every time I just look out, the joy and the celebration -- it really is a celebration, so for me to be here is just a privilege.

Q. You mentioned you don't play in a lot of tournaments. What helps you get over those nerves?

JORDAN THOMAS: For me it's like reminding myself that I've done this 10,000 times. I've hit 4-iron 10,000 times in my lifetime. So it's really just getting focused on the process. I've got a great caddie on the bag this week, so that helps. I've got to remind myself no one is going to live or die from a bad golf shot out here. That takes the pressure off.

Q. Have you played in tournaments with some of these competitors that are in this field?

JORDAN THOMAS: No, I've never played with them. I've admired them from afar. Obviously Chad Pfeifer; I got to play with Simon in a practice round and it was an absolute flush show. I was like blown away. We were talking, he didn't miss a shot until we got to 13, and he just took too aggressive of a line. It wasn't even he missed the shot, he just took too aggressive of a line. To be around these guys, it's unbelievable. So to be up somewhat in contention -- I really don't even know where I stand right now honestly, but it's a thrill.

Q. You're in the top 10, you're eight strokes back but like we said, anything can happen.

JORDAN THOMAS: Yeah, you go out and put up a little 2-, 3-under on the front nine tomorrow and maybe the boys start thinking a little bit about it.

Q. You mentioned you played in that practice round with Simon. What did you learn about him? Obviously not really heralded because he's over in South Korea but he's come here and really put on a show.

JORDAN THOMAS: He's absolutely put on a show. He flushed it. I've played with a lot of TOUR players. I've played with a lot of better than scratch players plus handicaps, he's the best ball striker I've ever played golf with in my life. It was incredible. He's just a joy to be around. He's kind, he's nice, his team, his family is great. It's fun. I hope to be paired with him tomorrow. I probably won't be, but he's an incredible talent, no question. We won't be betting for Diet Cokes tomorrow, I can tell you that.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
122944-1-1002 2022-07-19 20:01:00 GMT

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