U.S. Adaptive Open

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Village of Pinehurst, North Carolina, USA

Pinehurst Resort & C.C. (Course No. 6)

Natasha Stasiuk

Quick Quotes


Q. We're here with Natasha Stasiuk. Two rounds in the books. How does it feel to be a part of the first ever U.S. Adaptive Open championship?

NATASHA STASIUK: Pretty honored. I don't get judged here. I'm like everybody else here. It's nice to be the only Canadian out here alone, but at the same time I wish there was more, but what can you do.

Q. How rewarding is it to share the course with so many other inspiring athletes like yourself?

NATASHA STASIUK: Pretty good. It's pretty interesting and pretty amazing to see people, even like a seated carter, never played with one of them before, and just seeing that neck do it, as well, just like I can even though I have an intellectual disability and they have physical, they still play the same as me and even the same course, too.

Q. How do you think this championship will help amplify stories like your own in that adaptive golf community and bring a light to them?

NATASHA STASIUK: That anybody can do anything they can put their mind out. You just can never give up, even though sometimes I have wanted to, but I never did, and look where I am now.

Q. How does this experience so far at this championship -- how can you compare that to other events you've played in the past? Have you enjoyed yourself this week?

NATASHA STASIUK: Yeah, I have. It's hot and humid, but I've enjoyed it. Never played at Pinehurst before. It's a difficult course and you can get into trouble a lot. I know I have been. But I guess just the -- I don't know how to answer it, sorry. I'm having struggles with this one. Hopefully you edit it.

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