U.S. Adaptive Open

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Village of Pinehurst, North Carolina, USA

Pinehurst Resort & C.C. (Course No. 6)

Simon Lee

Press Conference

Q. Simon Lee, the men's division winner of the inaugural U.S. Adaptive Open championship. How does that sound?

SIMON LEE: That sounds, yeah, great. I'm so happy. It feels like I'm dreaming.

Q. You played great today and all week. How did you feel about your game?

SIMON LEE: My game? My golf game was kind of like -- today I played with my mind of thinking I can do it, I can do it, I can do it.

Q. And you did.

SIMON LEE: Throughout the round, yeah.

Q. Did you have fun playing with the other players?

SIMON LEE: Yeah, I have fun. I had a great time, yeah, with the other players.

Q. When you won, water got sprayed on you. Was that refreshing because you were so hot?

SIMON LEE: Yeah, I think -- yeah, it was refreshing. Today was very hot, the weather. I got cool, yeah, at least, with the water on me.

Q. Are you excited to hold that trophy? It's pretty big and shiny.

SIMON LEE: I'm excited, yeah, to hold this.

Q. How long was your putt on 17 in the playoff for the birdie?

SIMON LEE: Seven yards.

Q. How did you feel when you made the putt for birdie in the playoff?

SIMON LEE: No. 17?

Q. Yeah.

SIMON LEE: How did I feel?

Q. Yeah, what were you thinking?

SIMON LEE: I was -- it's like a dream, yeah, when the putt go in.

Q. Who was here with you when you were celebrating on the green? Can you tell us who was here?

SIMON LEE: My mother and my caddie and the whole media team was here, and SK Sports manager was here.

Q. How does it feel to have them with you when you win?

SIMON LEE: I am grateful to everyone in my group.

Q. What do you love the most about golf?

SIMON LEE: Oh, difficult question. I like birdies, when I get birdies.

Q. What's your biggest dream in this game?

SIMON LEE: My dream is that maybe one day I'll go to the Masters, and I want to step on the 18th hole, Augusta National, in the final round.

Q. Do you have a favorite professional golfer?

SIMON LEE: I think Jordan Spieth in America and Sang-Hyun Park in Korea.

Q. Where else will you play in the summer? What's next?

SIMON LEE: I'll be going back to the Korean Tour.

Q. You'll play the KPGA?

SIMON LEE: Yeah, I'm going to go back to the KPGA and play again.

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