Monday, August 28, 2023

New York, New York, USA

Dominic Thiem

Press Conference

D. THIEM/A. Bublik

6-3, 6-2, 6-4

THE MODERATOR: Assess your performance today.

DOMINIC THIEM: Yeah, it was a very good match basically from the first moment on. It's a pretty special victory, because it's the first since two-and-a-half years on Grand Slams.

I think, I don't know, six or seven Grand Slams without a match win. So it's great. Especially here at the US Open with all the past and all the memories I have here.


Q. How would you describe your road from your championship here to this point today?

DOMINIC THIEM: It was a very good road for me, I would say. Especially personally I was learning a lot, you know, so I don't want to miss anything in this road, but obviously tennis-wise or sports-wise was not easy all the time.

So that's why I'm even happier that I got the win today. First win on Grand Slam since a while. I had some good previous weeks as well with the first finals after the injury.

So it's feeling good, and I'm really looking forward to the next one.

Q. How would you describe the difference in what you feel on the court from the fans now because they know everything you have gone through compared to before the injury? Is it different at all, the reception, the people who really want you to do well?

DOMINIC THIEM: Yeah, definitely, because, I mean, I always got great support also before, but now I haven't played well the last two years. Also last year when I played here was not that easy.

But I think the people are really appreciating the way, the comeback from the injury. I have the feeling many people feel or know that it's not easy coming back.

Also, I mean, I'm turning 30 soon, and people I think also like sometimes the more experienced players or the players who are on tour since a long time who made some great memories and some great matches on the biggest tournaments.

So, yeah, I'm super happy about the support.

Q. I don't know if you have seen Twitter about what Bublik said in the middle of the second set? Well, he said, I'm sick of giving careers back to disabled people. He said it in Russian. Wanted to know how you take that.

DOMINIC THIEM: Well, I don't know if the translation is right.

Q. I check it.

DOMINIC THIEM: It is? Yeah, it's a tough saying, you know, something you shouldn't say in general, you know, just out of respect. Yeah, maybe he didn't mean it that way or whatever.

But, yeah, what can I say about it?

Q. For you, in the injury comeback at this point, how much of it is the physical side versus mentally trusting that you're not going to get hurt again?

DOMINIC THIEM: The physical trust is there, you know. Since the injury I have played many tournaments. I did many, many practice sessions. I really also gave a lot of load on the wrist again. So it's completely fine.

The mental side was not that easy as restore the arm was. Was not doing the same job I was used to before the injury, so that was not easy.

Yeah, with every success, with every match, especially with bigger successes or better weeks like I had in Austria when I played my first finals or also here, back on winning ways in Grand Slams, it helps a lot on the mental side and to get the full trust again in the wrist. And, yeah, that it does 100% what I want with the forehand.

Q. Can you talk about your matchup with Ben Shelton. I think you played him once before in Portugal.

DOMINIC THIEM: Yeah, exactly. I played him on clay, but this was just, I guess, his first clay court tournament ever or something. On hard, I guess it's a completely different game. He played quarters in the Australian Open. He had some great results on hard court.

In general, I'm looking forward a lot to that match. He's a great guy. He's unbelievable athlete. I really love to watch him. Yeah, I guess that one big thing gonna be the return again. He's serving incredible.

Today I was returning well, so I try to do that in the second round as well.

Q. Your opponent today is known for his underhand serves, and it wasn't that good for him today, but what do you think about that in general as a tactic in tennis?

DOMINIC THIEM: Yeah, it can be a good tactic, especially probably on clay when the returner is standing far, far back. It can be good, you know.

It's allowed, so it's fine if it helps you to do it. It's completely fine. Especially when you have, like me sometimes, not today, but on some other days or on other surfaces, if I return far back it's pretty good tactic.

Q. Are you surprised he did it at breakpoint?

DOMINIC THIEM: Of course I was surprised, but against him or against some other players, you have to be aware all the time that it happens, so you have maybe a little different view on the return on the racquet, and luckily I was there.

Q. You have mentioned before about sort of the lack of motivation following your US Open victory. Mats Wilander went through the same thing when he won three majors and hit No. 1 in the world. Was there any moment in there where you thought, I'm going to quit? He left shortly thereafter. And second to that, does it help to return here to the US Open, which is the scene of your success?

DOMINIC THIEM: No, I never had the thought of quitting really. Still a little bit too young for that, I guess.

Coming back here always helps. But not only because I won here, but because of the city and because of the tournament itself. It just has a special energy. Yeah, if you spend two, three weeks here in New York City, it gives you all the energy, then it gets a little bit too much maybe. But, no, coming back here is always a great, great experience.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
136232-1-1063 2023-08-28 19:51:00 GMT

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