Tuesday, August 29, 2023

New York, New York, USA

Venus Williams

Press Conference

G. MINNEN/V. Williams

6-1, 6-1

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. Before the Cleveland event, you said your knee was not supporting you being on the court. What effect did your injury have on your play and your mobility this evening?

VENUS WILLIAMS: I mean, I think first I have to give credit to my opponent. I mean, there wasn't a shot she couldn't make. Even when I hit really amazing shots, she just hit a winner or a dropshot, so...

I don't think I played badly. I think it was just one of those days where it's just unlucky.

My preparation was definitely minimal. But I don't think that it necessarily affected the bulk of my performance. I think there are just shots where my footwork wasn't really there. A lot of backhands I missed where my feet just weren't there. That's normal when you don't spend a lot of time on the court.

But I really have to give credit to her. It was just incredible, honestly. I mean, if she can play like that, you imagine that she can be in the top 10 or perhaps No. 1 or maybe win a Grand Slam, something like that, if she can play at this level.

Q. You've shown pace on your shot all throughout this year. Talk about that.

VENUS WILLIAMS: I think that's the best I ever saw Greet play. I don't know. I mean, that's great for her to reach that level.

For me, I haven't played a lot of matches this year, so the times I could play, I gave it my all. I got a handful of matches. It wasn't the year I was expecting, but I gave it everything I had.

Q. We know how much this tournament means to you. Where are your emotions with it not ending the way you would have hoped? You talked about the lack of ability to be able to prepare the way you're accustomed. When you're assessing how long you want to continue playing, is it about the results or is it about your ability to prepare between those results the way you want?

VENUS WILLIAMS: Obviously preparation is always a fantastic thing to have in life, in general, especially as an athlete.

Yeah, I mean, I definitely could have hoped for more throughout the year. Honestly, I just had some really bad luck. I don't think it was a lack of my body not holding up, it was just a lack of, like, really bad luck with injuries. There were things I couldn't control.

I was really happy to be here. When I had to withdraw from Cleveland, I wasn't sure that I could be here. I have to really thank my doctors for helping me to get here. That in itself was a blessing.

I love playing here. I really gave it my all today. I really played some great shots, but she had some incredible answers to that. I wish I could have been more prepared for that.

Q. The belief and knowledge that you can play so much better, did that help your motivation going forward?

VENUS WILLIAMS: I don't know if I think about that, like, every day. I mean, I put in the time when I can.

Yeah, belief's always there. I don't know. I don't think about necessarily like that on a day-to-day basis.

Q. You're just a couple minutes off the court, but have you given any thought to the rest of your schedule this year?

VENUS WILLIAMS: I typically haven't really played after the US Open for a number of years now. I may reconsider that this year because my year didn't go the way, in any way, shape or form, that I thought it would go. I was really getting good momentum into Wimbledon. That fall really kind of threw me for a loop for the summer.

I don't know. I might. But I don't know what I'll do this fall. Definitely too soon to say.

Q. How hard was it to be here without your sister? Do you see yourself as an inspiration for doing something that you love?

VENUS WILLIAMS: I mean, I was very much aware that Serena wouldn't be playing the tournament, so I think I was okay. I've had a chance to get used to that idea even before she retired. I kind of knew that was coming.

Yeah, I think you should always go for your dreams. For me, I haven't had a lot of chances to play this year or last year. I think the key for me is to just stay healthy and gain some momentum. I mean, that's the key for any athlete.

Q. What would be the decisive factor when you choose what you do next?

VENUS WILLIAMS: I wouldn't tell you, so... I don't know. I don't know why you're asking (smiling).

Q. A lot of people were here to see you tonight. Some adults said they had a poster of you on their wall when they were teenagers. How did it feel to hear the support?

VENUS WILLIAMS: Yeah, it was really great to hear the support. I know the fans have been here for me forever, so that's fantastic to still have that support even more than ever.

So, it's a beautiful thing, and I love the Open.

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