Tuesday, August 29, 2023

New York, New York, USA

Stan Wawrinka

Press Conference

S. WAWRINKA/Y. Nishioka

7-6, 6-2, 6-4

THE MODERATOR: Give us your assessment of your play today.

STAN WAWRINKA: Yeah, was a really, really good match. I was expecting a tough battle against Nishioka. He's a tough player to play.

But I'm happy with the performance tonight. Winning in three sets is a good match. Again, the level was great. Yeah, I'm happy to get through that one.

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. Emotions in tennis. We've seen a lot of great tearful and sad moments. There's been some tears at this part of your career coming back. Can you reflect on that?

STAN WAWRINKA: Yeah, there's of course a lot of emotion in general in the tennis world. It's an individual sport. You are with your team, but you always end up being alone on the court.

You also want to push yourself for the maximum, be the better player, best as possible. Of course you're going to have up and downs in the career, with some positive emotions when you win, with some tough ones when you lose.

There's many kind of emotions. There are general emotions during matches that you can see why some player get nervous, why you don't get nervous, why you start to be a little bit tight or not.

It's part of the beauty of the sport, I will say. That's also one of the main reason I keep going, is to get those emotion. Hopefully positive one. But, yeah, to get the feeling that you get when you enter the court with so many people, when you play US Open, when you play the biggest tournaments in the world.

I never forgot why I start playing tennis and what I was dreaming when I was young, is to play US Open, to play those Grand Slams, big tournaments, ATP tournaments, to be there.

I'm happy I can still play at that level.

Q. It's been six years since you played Yoshi last time. He just said that your shots are as good as he played six years ago. What is your assessment? Do you feel you are as good as six years ago?

STAN WAWRINKA: I think I'm playing well. I'm not trying to compare from the past because it's never good idea to compare a few years ago what I was doing.

But I'm happy with my level. I know where I am right now. I know I can beat some really good players. I can be really competitive. I'm moving well.

Yes, today was a great match. Really high level. Really high intensity. I'm happy to get through in three sets. Most important for me is, like, to keep going, to keep going in the right direction.

Last few months have been almost better every week with more win, with more confidence, with what I'm doing. Hopefully I can keep pushing myself and get some big results before the end of the year.

Q. You just won your 45th match here in New York, which is as many as any other major that you have. Given all the memories you've had, how important is it to win in New York? As a city, have you always liked it? Something you have to grow into liking?

STAN WAWRINKA: For me, I love New York. Is one of my favorite city. I always say to my team, my friend, when I come back I'm happy to be back. I love the atmosphere. Of course, it's super intense. But we here only for two, three weeks maximum. You want to enjoy as much as possible.

Yes, I always love the condition here. They quite tough condition, more physical condition, with a lot of humidity. Can be really hot also. This year is a little bit slower. It's always been some good condition for my game style. Always enjoy to be coming back here.

As I say, I'm happy that I can still perform at that level, that I can still be here winning first round and hopefully keep pushing myself.

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