Wednesday, August 30, 2023

New York, New York, USA

Yuriko Lily Miyazaki

Press Conference

B. BENCIC/Y. Miyazaki

6-3, 6-3

THE MODERATOR: Not the result that you had hoped for, but give us your assessment of your play and the tournament for you this Grand Slam.

YURIKO LILY MIYAZAKI: Yeah, I think, yeah, it was a tough match today. I'm still super proud of these couple of weeks.

Yeah, I think today was definitely a step up in level from the previous matches that I played, but I think I was still able to get quite close with her at some moments, yeah.


Q. Well played. There was a point in the second set where you obviously got under her skin a bit when she threw her racquet. Almost looked like the match could have swung a bit. What were you thinking?

YURIKO LILY MIYAZAKI: Yeah, I think that could have been a turning moment, like you said. I obviously went double break down, and I thought maybe I could get a bit closer, like leveling the score.

Unfortunately I was never able to get to that point. I was always chasing in terms of the score, and, yeah, so I couldn't take advantage of that.

Q. You said that was a step up. What's the biggest difference you feel out on court playing players you've played before and when you're against a top-20 player?

YURIKO LILY MIYAZAKI: I think Belinda, she takes the ball really early. She redirects the ball really well. You do feel quite under pressure.

I think maybe one of the biggest things is at that level you don't really get any cheap points. I think there were times for me where my intensity maybe dropped a little bit. I gave her some errors, and I think you just can't do that at that level.

Q. You are obviously going to walk away from this with a lot more experience and a lot more money, as well. I know it's soon after the match, but wondering what are your plans going to be for the rest of the year? Where do you think you'll turn up next?

YURIKO LILY MIYAZAKI: So my plan was to play in Japan. There's a 100K next week but I'm in qualifying there, so it would start this weekend, and then play a WTA the week after in Osaka, and then come back to Europe.

But, yeah, I'm going to speak to my coach after this, because I don't think I'll make it for the 100K, so either I could go just for the WTA in Osaka or I'll go back to Europe and then play in a couple weeks' time some, I think there's like an ITF 60K in Portugal or something.

Q. Belinda said she spoke to you at the net about your match when you were young. Must have been a nice moment.

YURIKO LILY MIYAZAKI: Yeah, a really nice moment, actually. Yeah, after we shook hands she said she remembered that as well. Yeah, it was nice to hear that.

Q. In this whole week, what's the biggest thing you think you have learned about yourself and what you're capable of doing?

YURIKO LILY MIYAZAKI: I think I've learnt that if I put my level out there, then I have the game to, I don't know, like, really disrupt other players' games. Because even today I felt like once I got into the points I was able to play my game and kind of control the points pretty well.

So I think I can take a lot of confidence from that.

Q. I know you guys are all sole traders, basically, but have you had any sense of kind of the enthusiasm, good results from the British camp? Are you proud of having started that off as well?

YURIKO LILY MIYAZAKI: Yeah, I think it's great. I think it was, like, seven Brits in the second round. Yeah, I think we all push each other on, and it's great to see everyone doing well. I think it inspires everyone else.

Unfortunately I'm the first one to lose. Yeah, it's been great to be a part of that.

Q. Obviously you've had a nice tournament here, also with Jodie being at your matches. When you go back to go to the ITF events and other tournaments this year, will you be going on your own or who would you be traveling with? What's it like traveling alone to tournaments and how do you handle that?

YURIKO LILY MIYAZAKI: Yeah, traveling alone, I'm used to it because I've done it for a few years now. I think at the ITF level a lot of people travel on their own so you don't feel like you're the only one. You kind of make friends, I guess, along the way.

Yeah, going forward, yeah, I think it will be great if I can take some support on the road. Unfortunately actually my coach, his wife is having a baby in October so he won't be traveling too much end of the year. Yeah, maybe I could get help from other coaches or strength coaches and, yeah, things like that because I need to keep working on my physicality. Yeah, I need to try and train on the road.

Q. Belinda complimented your ability to take the ball early and she said it felt like she was feeling a bit how players feel against her. Wondering if that's how you have always played or if that's something you have kind of had to develop over the years?

YURIKO LILY MIYAZAKI: I think I have always played quite an early game, but maybe it's now that my physical side is kind of catching up and I'm able to, yeah, use a bit more intensity in, like, my movement and stuff.

Yeah, it's nice to hear that from her because, yeah, she takes the ball very early. Yeah, it's good.

Q. Obviously you're not so used to competing at Grand Slams. First main-draw win overseas here. Wondering if there's anything you particularly enjoyed off the court here at Grand Slam that you'd really like to experience again in the future.

YURIKO LILY MIYAZAKI: I don't know. I think it's just a really nice atmosphere, I guess, to be at a Grand Slam. You just don't get it at any other events.

But, yeah, off the court I don't think I did too much. I mean, the days are really long here. We get here, I don't know, 9:00 a.m. and sometimes don't leave till 5:00, 6:00 p.m., so I haven't been able to do much off the court.

But, yeah, I've just really embraced, yeah, the New York atmosphere. Yeah, I've really enjoyed my time here.

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136267-1-1063 2023-08-30 18:13:00 GMT

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