Wednesday, August 30, 2023

New York, New York, USA

Dominic Stricker

Press Conference

D. STRICKER/S. Tsitsipas

7-5, 6-7, 6-7, 7-6, 6-3

THE MODERATOR: Five sets. Three tiebreaks. Four hours. Give us your assessment of your performance this afternoon.

DOMINIC STRICKER: Yeah, great performance. I felt good from the first point on. Was just great to be out there with so many people supporting me, supporting him.

So it was just, for me, a great day. I enjoyed it from the first moment on. Yeah, I was down break in the fourth, came back. So just, yeah, actually a bit speechless what happened today. Yeah, it's just great to be in the third round.


Q. You spoke in the on-court interview about this belief you say you've got now. Could you explain a little more about that? How is it different maybe than it was before, and where does that sense come from?

DOMINIC STRICKER: Yeah, of course it helps a lot to win a match like that, because beating a player like Stefanos, No. 7 in the world, it's just something I have never done before. Yeah, it's a very special day for me.

So for sure the confidence for myself is increasing after today, and it's just great to see that I have this level over five sets.

Q. I read some story, an article about you which is entitled, "Less Chocolate, More Success," which said you started changing your diet and how to train. So can you talk a little bit more about why you changed your mindset and where is any turning point of your changing of your routine or something?

DOMINIC STRICKER: Yeah, I don't think there was a big turning point, but I just realized that it's maybe going to help me for these long matches like the one today.

Now it's just great to see if I changed it not, like, crazy, but a bit to eat less sugar, less chocolate, all that stuff. Yeah, it changed a lot, you know. Also for my team, they are also doing it, so it's great for me to have this support from them.

Now it's just great to see that, yeah, that my body is able to play four hours at this high level.

Q. Where are you based out of?


Q. For people who have not gotten to see you before, how would you describe yourself as a player?

DOMINIC STRICKER: I would say pretty loose player. Good serve, good forehand. That worked pretty well today. Also my backhand is pretty solid right now at the moment. But I would say, yeah, also trying to find a way to go to the net and finish the points as soon as possible.

Q. Is there a player that you have elected to model yourself after or someone you consider yourself similar to?

DOMINIC STRICKER: Not really. Not really, to be honest. I think there is a lot of things in my game that players have, but it's not like one player that I would say I'm trying to imitate or whatever.

Q. Many of your success came in clay court, especially when you were junior. But also, you have been successful on, like, indoor hard court. Which one is your favorite surface? Do you feel comfortable on this tournament surface?

DOMINIC STRICKER: Yeah, I really like hard court as well, maybe even more than clay. But I think I can play good on all surfaces. I played good on grass this year as well. Clay I played good as well some tournaments.

I would maybe even say hard court is my favorite surface.

Q. How would you describe what the atmosphere and the competition is like during qualifying? Can it be sometimes, we hear players talk about there being a bit of an advantage if you do make it through qualifying once you get into the main draw, maybe you've got a little momentum, you know what's working well for you, things like that. Have you found that to be the case?

DOMINIC STRICKER: Yeah, for sure it helps to have three matches in the quallies, but first you have to get through, because all the players are good playing the quallies.

But for sure it helps you for the first round. Yeah, you had three matches, you know what to expect from the courts, from everything. So it helps, for sure. Yeah, as soon as the match goes on, I think everyone knows how to play on these surfaces here. But yeah, I would say it helps.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
136273-1-1063 2023-08-30 21:10:00 GMT

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