Wednesday, August 30, 2023

New York, New York, USA

Christopher Eubanks

Press Conference

B. BONZI/C. Eubanks

7-6, 2-6, 6-2, 7-6

THE MODERATOR: Chris, not obviously the result you expected. Your thoughts on the tournament, your performance this afternoon.

CHRISTOPHER EUBANKS: All things considered, I thought it was just a new, I'd say, very new experience for me coming into a slam obviously being seeded, I think having some higher level of expectations on myself.

Felt like I went out, like I've always said, if I can feel like my preparation is consistent with what it has been for the previous really 12 months going into tournaments, I'm taking care of my body, all those things are right, I can go on court, win or lose I can walk off with my head high. I felt like I did that. I was able to get one win in the first round.

Today I think Benjamin just played exceptionally well. He played the bigger points better than I did.

All things considered, I feel like I can take this and kind of move on to hopefully have a very strong end of the year, so I'm not really hanging my head too much.

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. What for Benjamin, especially on the key points, has improved in his game?

CHRISTOPHER EUBANKS: Man, his serve, his clutch serving, I think was phenomenal today. I think he was popping serves upwards I think 129 I saw, probably hit a 130 at some point. He's hitting his serve big, hitting his spots with a lot of variety.

Then I think on returning, he does a great job of not giving you a lot of free points. He makes a lot of second-serve returns. Really, makes a lot of first-serve returns that he gets his strings on. You feel like you're going to have to work for everything you get, unless you're able to get an ace, an unreturnable, something like that.

I think over the course, especially best-of five, it just kind of wears on the opponent a little bit just knowing things aren't going to come for free and you're really going to have to work for every single point you get.

Those are probably the biggest things I would say, specifically about Benjamin. Like I said, we played two other times, some close ones.

Yeah, today he just got the better of me.

Q. As you move into the fall, are there specific things that you want to work on ahead of next year?

CHRISTOPHER EUBANKS: I mean, there's a lot of areas of my game I think that can continue to improve. My serve can continue to get better. My consistency in making returns can always get better. My transition game can always get better.

Yeah, I mean, there's not really one area I would say in particular. I think it's just kind of a progression of improving all the areas of my game, continuing to sharpen my strengths. I think the serve and forehand are always going to be big points of emphasis for me to continue to get better because I think those are the things that have helped me have some success.

But also getting a little bit better in the weaker areas, whether that's movement, whether that's making returns, those little things. I just think all around I can continue to get better and hopefully I will continue to get better going into the fall.

Q. Is it exciting for you to go into this phase of the season, today's loss aside, with the ranking you have, the opportunities to play in big events, indoor courts against top players?

CHRISTOPHER EUBANKS: Yeah, it's super exciting. I mean, I'm going to embark on a schedule that I've never had the ability or the ranking to be able to play. That's the European indoor swing right at the end of the year. It's something that I've seen for years. I actually called Basel and Vienna for Tennis Channel last year. Now I think I'll have the opportunity to be able to play in one of those tournaments now.

So, yeah, it's a super exciting time. I love indoor courts. Indoor courts are where I really enjoy those conditions. I'll be going to new cities. Like you say, ranking in a different place. I think it's fun. It's a new challenge and something I'm going to look forward to. I hope to make the most of it.

Q. Court 17 conditions, players talked about the smell of marijuana from the stands. Your US Open is not over because you and Ben Shelton have an opportunity tomorrow. Talk about those two things. Have you smelled anything in Court 17?

CHRISTOPHER EUBANKS: No, nothing today. Nothing today. Yeah, it's right by the park, so I can see what they're talking about. But we didn't get any aroma today.

But, yeah, Ben and I are set to play I think the No. 1 doubles team in the world I'm assuming tomorrow. That's going to be another challenge in itself. I'm sure it's going to be fun. We got a chance to play last week in Cincinnati some really exciting matches. Playing with Ben is always fun.

Yeah, we're going to look forward to going out there. You can expect Ben to be yelling, screaming, hitting 145-mile-an-hour serves. I'll just be there trying to play cleanup.

Yeah, hopefully it's going to be a fun day, we look forward to it.

Q. This being HBCU day on the grounds, talk about the fan love you got.

CHRISTOPHER EUBANKS: Yeah, I think it's a great initiative that's been started by the USTA. I'm not sure exactly when it started. I know a couple years ago was the first time I noticed.

They started to have some of the Greeks come out, having the step show around the fountains and that stuff that I grew up knowing about. It's cool to be able to see those same things, whether it's the Kappas, the Alphas, the Deltas, the AKAs, the Ques. Everybody kind of having a little bit of a world stage when other players are walking by asking, What is that? I have to kind of explain to them a little bit of what the Greek life is about, especially how prominent it is in HBCUs.

I think it's great. I love to see it out there. I wore one of the HBCU shirts in my warm-up this morning just because I was gifted one. I said, You know what, I think this would be pretty cool.

I'm excited to see what they're going to add tonight. I think it's really cool that 'Foe was playing the night match on Ashe. I think it's going to add a little bit more excitement.

Yeah, that's a good question.

Q. Taylor Townsend was on 17 before you. Came up with a huge win. Could you talk a little bit about what she's been able to do after having the baby, really her talent level. Seems like there's a big breakthrough in the making for her.

CHRISTOPHER EUBANKS: Yeah, no, I was actually watching a lot of that. That was some of the best tennis I've seen Taylor play in a long time.

Taylor and I go back years, since we were like 10, 11 years old. We still train in Atlanta a lot of times at Georgia Tech together. We may come at different times, but a lot of times we'll kind of overlap. I'll get to see her work.

Just to see how diligent she's been, the work that she's put in since having the baby, how she's embracing both roles. I've seen Adyn come out to the courts with her, running around, swinging a racquet. But she's still very diligent about her training and her preparation and her nutrition, her strength and conditioning. She's so, so devoted to both parts of her life right now. I think that's really, really cool.

I think it could be a good reason as to why she's having the success that she's having. There's so much structure there. I think she really has a new perspective. I think she's really enjoying it right now.

So to see her playing that well, to see the crowd really get behind her, to see the emotion she's having. I know Taylor well, so I know kind of the things that her career has taken her, the ups and downs. I've kind of always been there as a friend.

To see that energy she was showcasing on 17 today right before I went out there was really, really cool. I hope she keeps it going, man. She deserves it. One of the most talented players I've ever been on the court with. Yeah, really excited for her.

Q. What is it like to have the financial security that you've earned this year? Is this the first time in your career where you have felt somewhat financially secure, or do you?

CHRISTOPHER EUBANKS: Yeah, I do. I think throughout my career, I've been fortunate. I think obviously throughout my career I've been able to have a couple wild cards into slams that have helped with a little bit of financial security.

It never, I would say, measured up to what things are like now. Before I was always okay. 2017 I got a main draw wild card in singles and doubles. The next year I got the Oracle, the ITA U.S. Tennis Award. So that was in '18. '19 I got another US Open wild card. '20 I got a wild card.

I was always able to kind of manage without stressing too much. I think now the one thing that's different is I'm a lot more professional and diligent with my team. At this point it's just my coach Ruan, in knowing that the stability for covering him, he's going to be there at any tournament I need and every single week. I don't have to worry a second time about it.

Whereas that's probably something I had to worry about in the past, where maybe I had to share a coach for a couple weeks or maybe I would use a USTA coach that was there. It's tough to really get that continuity when you're kind of hopping around from different coaches.

Yeah, the financial security now is a lot better than it ever has been, but I've always been okay. I think now I'm just doing it, I'm better and in a more professional mindset or more professional situation or setup.

It feels good, to answer your question in short. It feels really good to have that stability there.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
136277-1-1063 2023-08-30 22:48:00 GMT

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