Thursday, August 31, 2023

New York, New York, USA

Caroline Wozniacki

Press Conference


7-5, 7-6

THE MODERATOR: Tough two-set win. Take us through the tiebreaker.

CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: I obviously had match points before that tiebreaker. I got to it, I got against the wind. I thought to myself, Got to keep it close there, hopefully finish it off on the other side with the wind, with a little help behind me.

Yeah, some ups and downs. Got up 4-1, then she served a couple of good serves. It was kind of just going a little back and forth.

But in the end I'm so happy that I managed to close it out in two sets.

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. You talked about playing a familiar opponent locking you into the rhythm. Did you feel like the best you felt on court since the comeback?

CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: Yeah, I've been feeling very comfortable here in New York in general. Ever since I arrived here, it's just something about the courts, everything else, that have made me feel good.

Yeah, I feel like I played well today. I'm so happy I managed to close it out, even missing a couple of those match points. I'm happy that I just stayed calm and collected and I managed to win in the end anyways.

Q. Describe the emotions of this win tonight for you.

CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: Well, it feels amazing to beat such an amazing player and champion like Petra. Obviously I knew coming into the match that I had a chance to win, and I believe in myself. At the same time she obviously has had a great year. She's 11 in the world, loves to play on hard courts.

I knew it was going to be a very tough one and I had to play my best tennis. I'm just so thrilled to have an opportunity to play out on Arthur Ashe Stadium. What an honor that is, play a night session in front of this amazing crowd.

I mean, again, I said it on court, but three years ago if you'd asked me, I didn't think I was ever going to play on one of those courts again in the US Open, especially a night session. It just feels pretty incredible to be out there and winning a match like that.

Q. I want to ask about your dad. He's been with you your whole career. What has it been like coming back to this?

CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: I think as a parent, my dad has been my coach my whole career, as a parent he always wants the best for his kids. I think when I kind of floated the idea by him that I wanted to maybe try and come back, I think he didn't really expect it, but at the same time he was like, Okay, if this is what you want to do, I'm here for it, let's just give it a go.

He knows I'm a very - how should I say - determined individual, so once I put my head to something, I go 100%. It was never really a doubt for him that if I wanted to do this, I was going to go all out for it.

Q. Physically how are you dealing with the late finishes? A lot of players are getting sick. How aware of that are you?

CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: I haven't been spending much time on-site. I come here to practice and play my matches. That's usually anyway my routine. Usually I love to be the first one on the practice courts and I'm out of here before everyone gets in.

Obviously playing such late matches, I haven't gone to the bed early. I come here midday and practice for an hour, I get my massage and head out. Really I try to hydrate, stay healthy. I feel pretty good. So hopefully that's going to continue.

I usually stay away from people that look sick anyway, but I haven't seen many people actually in the women's locker room not feeling well. Yeah, hopefully people stay healthy.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
136295-1-1004 2023-08-31 04:18:00 GMT

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