Thursday, August 31, 2023

New York, New York, USA

Jannik Sinner

Press Conference

J. SINNER/L. Sonego

6-4, 6-2, 6-4

THE MODERATOR: Straight sets. Just a little over two hours. Assess your performance this afternoon.

JANNIK SINNER: Yeah, for sure. I think it was a great performance. It was a little bit windy today, so it was not that easy to play, but I felt very good on court. I served with quite good percentage, which today was very important.

Yeah, I think also the return worked really, really well. You know, I think this today were the keys. Very happy.


Q. Obviously straight sets for the first two rounds. How important is it to get through those early rounds relatively smoothly?

JANNIK SINNER: Oh, it's important to get through (smiling). If you can get through in three sets each is better obviously. You have more time to recover.

Playing first today helps the recovery, because today I have a full day basically, and also tomorrow. If you play night match, it is a little bit different. You have less time to recover.

But, you know, if you win like this, a little bit over two hours, it's good start for the Open and hopefully I can keep going.

Q. Your next two opponents, obviously you don't know who it is yet. I was wondering, you have played them both, if you could just speak about the challenges each of them pose for you.

JANNIK SINNER: Stan and Etcheverry? Obviously Stan, we know each other very well. We practice sometimes in Monaco. He's in shape. He's playing great. It's gonna be a tough one.

If I play against Etcheverry, I played against him in Australian Open. He's improving so, so much, also on hard courts, he's serving well.

It's going to be, whoever is opponent, a very, very tough round. I'm very looking forward to it.

Q. Do you feel that your first round, second round, your momentum, your form is building, that you'll continue on in the tournament?

JANNIK SINNER: Well, for sure. The start of the tournament is never easy, no? You have to understand a little bit the situation. I played twice on this court now, so I know how this court is in the night session. Today we played at 11:00, so also how it is with the sun.

Yeah, the confidence is building, no, every round you play, and you feel you are in the tournament now, so it's obviously a good feeling. As I said, hopefully I can keep going like this.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
136301-1-1063 2023-08-31 19:13:00 GMT

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