Thursday, August 31, 2023

New York, New York, USA

Aryna Sabalenka

Press Conference


6-3, 6-2

THE MODERATOR: Straight sets. A little over an hour. Assess your performance this afternoon.

ARYNA SABALENKA: Yeah, I'm super happy with the level today, and super happy to get this win. Yeah, I think I played really solid today and didn't lose my focus not for a moment.

Yeah, it definitely was great match from me.


Q. It sounds like you felt comfortable out there but maybe there was a moment at the beginning of first set and maybe a little bit in today's match maybe things weren't as comfortable. How comfortable have you felt on court so far?

ARYNA SABALENKA: I mean, yeah, in the first match, first, I don't know how many games, I didn't feel well. It was super humid. I was sweating a lot, and the towels didn't really work well for me.

So I keep sweating and couldn't hold my racquet. I was really struggling and couldn't serve. It was kind of like fun but not really (smiling). I'm glad that my team had some towels for me, so after I start using better towels I start feeling better.

But yeah, it was definitely not the best start. Today in the match I was just hoping that it's not gonna happen again. Yeah, I'm happy that it didn't.

Yeah, I controlled better my serve, controlled myself better today. And it wasn't that humid today, so... But I was prepared. I bring, like, white towels on the match, so I was prepared for whatever.

Q. Just your thoughts, because Jodie was just in here saying how she was trying to be able to get tight and then she was able to shut the door. Talk about that mental composure that you were able to show today.

ARYNA SABALENKA: I mean, before going to the match I saw her match against Blinkova, and she was serving well, hitting the ball pretty heavy. So I came on court with mentality just to put her speed with her, her game back on her, and let her play with that.

I think I did it pretty well. And of course the main focus was on my serve, so to be really solid on my serve, so, like, I can put some pressure on her serve. I think I did it well, and I was just, like, keep trying to put her under pressure.

Yeah, that's it. But yeah, she showed some great tennis today and yesterday (smiling).

Q. The intensity you always play with makes it seem like you're not having fun on the court, but you certainly always are a joyous person. Did you feel that way still in terms of having that joy, crushing balls and doing what you do best?

ARYNA SABALENKA: Yeah, first I'm focused on the court and then I'm having fun, you know (smiling). But yeah, I was enjoying the game today. I was enjoying the atmosphere. It was really a great day for me. I felt the support. I felt my game well. And yeah, I would say that, I mean, I enjoy it, and I had a little bit of fun out there.

Q. Before you won the Australian Open, what did you think it takes to win a Grand Slam? Once you did it, now that you can look back on it, were you right? Or is what it took, what it took something different?

ARYNA SABALENKA: Yeah, like, trying to think what I thought it would be. I think before I thought, like, on those last stages of the tournament, I have to play my best tennis, I have to be there, like, 100%.

After I won it, I realized that you can struggle in the quarterfinals and the semis, even in the finals. It's not about that. It's about how you're gonna bring yourself back and how you will be able to adjust to what you have at the moment.

Yeah, that's it. That's not like I thought it should be.

Q. I have got to ask you about that dress. I saw it on Instagram last week. So beautiful. How much were you able to customize it with Nike?

ARYNA SABALENKA: I would say that I wasn't really able to customize it with them, but they always ask our opinion on the stuff they sending, like, on the stuff they are making for next collections.

I think what I felt with this dress, that they actually listened to us. Yeah, this dress feels really comfortable, I feel really unique, and I'm super happy that they choose me to have this unique look.

I felt like Barbie. Maybe not Barbie. Maybe it would be like Carbie [ph.] girl. It's a cool dress. I really like it.

Q. In terms of the WTA Finals, do they ask top players like you what you think, where you think it should go? How much input does someone like you get?

ARYNA SABALENKA: It's not like they really asking. I felt like they really trying their best to find some options. It's not about, like, we have thousand of options.

I mean, they not really asking us. Because I feel like sometimes it's not about us. I mean, for example, I would like to play -- where I would like to play? Where I would like to play? Miami, yes. But sometimes it's just impossible to make it happen there.

I mean, yeah, it is how it is.

Q. So the player council has input but not somebody who might actually be there playing it?

ARYNA SABALENKA: I'm pretty sure that players trying to give them some options but I'm not, like, really putting so much pressure on them. I'm like trying to focus on myself and my game and just do my best.

Yeah. Yeah, that's it.

Q. How have you been spending your off days? Doing anything fun in the city?

ARYNA SABALENKA: I'm going for good dinners. That's the best for me. You know, if I have a good dinner I'm happy. If I'm happy, everyone is happy. If everyone is happy, then we have more chance to do well (smiling).

Q. Is there a cuisine you go for specifically here?

ARYNA SABALENKA: It's not like really specific place, but we have been in couple good Italian restaurants. I don't know if you know, like last night we went to Polo Bar, if you know this one? Is it Italian? I think it's Italian. I don't know. Italian?

Q. That's what they said.

ARYNA SABALENKA: It's really, really good one. I really enjoyed my food yesterday.

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136309-1-1063 2023-08-31 20:18:00 GMT

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