Thursday, August 31, 2023

New York, New York, USA

Katie Boulter

Press Conference


5-7, 6-1, 6-4

THE MODERATOR: A tough match, but a victory. Your thoughts on how your performance was this afternoon.

KATIE BOULTER: Yeah, I thought it was an absolute battle. I worked really, really hard. I had a lot of chances in the first set. I didn't quite get over the line. I think there were a few nerves, I'm not entirely sure why, but there were a few nerves in the first. After we finished that set I relaxed a bit and started to be a little bit more aggressive and it really paid off.

In the end, I just dug it out and I thought we played some really good tennis. I have obviously got a couple of things I want to go away and work on, but yeah, that's normal for a tennis match.


Q. Was it really a surprise that there would be nerves in the first set of a second-round match of a slam or it's a big stage, big crowd and all that stuff?

KATIE BOULTER: Yeah, I mean, it was obviously, it's a huge stage and it's a huge moment for me. Every match that I play is a big moment, but, you know, I do pride myself on being the same person whether I'm here or another place.

Yeah, I wasn't too nervous before the match. I was pretty relaxed. I felt good, and then just a little bit there were a few nerves, and of course that's completely normal playing a match like that.

Q. There is one incident in the first set when you flicked the ball, I could tell it was accidental but you could tell on your face. Did you think for a moment, Oh, no, what have I done here? Were you really concerned about where it went?

KATIE BOULTER: Yeah, I was. Firstly, the safety of everyone is the most important thing for me. It was completely unintentional, and luckily it wasn't anywhere close to anyone. But for a second I was, yeah, I was feeling pretty bad, if I'm honest.

But I think, in a way, I felt privileged to still be playing. I didn't have any big mishaps. So yeah, everyone was fine.

Q. Playing Peyton Stearns next. Have you come across her much before?

KATIE BOULTER: Yeah, I actually played probably the longest match of my career against her in Austin this year. I was 7-6 in the third, 5 in the tiebreak loss. It was a brutal match. It was I think 3 hours and 25 minutes, I want to say.

I'm expecting a lot. I mean, she's a real talent. She's a great player. The courts suit her a lot here. Again, I know it's going to be physical and I'm going to have to be ready and playing some of my best tennis to beat her.

Q. Just to come back to the incident for a minute, when you did it, you sort of stood afterwards, almost with your hand on your head. Did you realize how close you could have been to be defaulted if it would have hit someone?

KATIE BOULTER: Of course there's a lot of ifs. At the end of the day I've got to play with the facts. It didn't. I really, it would be my worst nightmare, it really would. Completely unintentional, as well.

Yeah, it was an unfortunate situation, but we moved through, and we managed to get a win.

Q. I know it's not easy to control yourself in a match, but do you think it will stop you from flicking the ball against the fence in the future?

KATIE BOULTER: I mean, my intention, she threw the ball really quickly at me, and I kind of reacted and hit the back fence expecting it to hit the wall and then come at me, that I could catch the ball and then move along. I'll just continue but I'll be very careful (smiling).

Q. You have had some strapping on your shoulder in your doubles match. Anything to worry about?

KATIE BOULTER: No, just precaution, looking after it, a little bit of support. It's played a lot these past days, so I just needed a little bit extra just to make sure there were no issues going into the next round.

Q. Your first third round at the US Open, first win outside of Wimbledon for a slam. Just talk about all that you overcame in the match with the double faults and everything and all those factors. Where does this win rank for you in your career?

KATIE BOULTER: Yeah, it's definitely up there. You know, I don't think anything beats playing a third round at Wimbledon because it's my favorite slam of all, but it comes pretty close, I can assure you of that.

It was a big match for me. She's clearly coming in with a lot of confidence. I knew it wasn't going to be easy. I managed to squeak it. I'm really proud of myself because it really wasn't easy. There were a lot of factors. It was pretty windy. I wasn't serving unbelievably well. The sun was in my eyes trying to serve it out for the match.

I managed to overcome all those things and win the match, and that's ultimately what tennis is, finding a way to win. I'm very proud of myself for that today.

Q. Alex dominating a quality opponent, his form continues, so it makes it a joyous day for overcoming the battles that you overcame.

KATIE BOULTER: Except for my doubles, it's going to be a pretty good night. I'm sure we're going to be doing a lot of recovery and resting and eating a lot of food, getting ready for the next round, but he did incredibly well. I didn't manage to get to see any of it because I was playing exactly the same time, which is unfortunate.

Yeah, he seemed pretty happy, and he said he played a really good match. Yeah, kudos to him. He'll be flying on through to the next round.

Q. Just to go back to the match that you and Peyton played earlier this year, at one stage this year it was the longest WTA match of the year. What do you remember about that match? Obviously three tiebreaks, very tight. What do you remember about that match? What do you think you might have to change on the courts here that you say suit her game so well?

KATIE BOULTER: Yeah, I mean, I played her, I'm pretty sure they were her home home courts. It was a night match, and it was probably my -- I had couple through quallies that week. It was my first night match I had played in quite a while.

I think we both played a really good match. I'll definitely be going back to have a look at it and see what I can do better. But she's a big ball striker. The way she hits the ball, it is pretty high on these courts, so I'm going to have to look to be aggressive and look to play my game, serve a bit better than today. Yeah, I'm looking forward to a really, really good match.

Q. You might be top 50 already. Is that something you look too much to or just part of the progress?

KATIE BOULTER: No, I haven't looked at the live rankings yet. Probably at the end of the tournament I will. But I know I'm pretty close. It has been a massive goal of mine to be inside top 50. I have always believed that I could be there.

I know a lot of people put a lot of emphasis on 100, but for me 50 was always a number that I really wanted to reach. I think that's a really good springboard to really pushing and really having a go at these girls. When you start getting into main draw of events and you don't have to qualify every week, it really helps, it does. You have a free swing every week. It makes it a lot easier for me. Physically as well it makes it a little easier.

So, yeah, it's a number I wanted to get to, but I'm not there yet, and I really want to build that and get it higher and higher.

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136316-1-1063 2023-08-31 21:48:00 GMT

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