Thursday, August 31, 2023

New York, New York, USA

John Isner

Press Conference

M. MMOH/J. Isner

3-6, 4-6, 7-6, 6-4, 7-6

THE MODERATOR: In your last official press conference, let me first of all congratulate you on a stellar, magnificent career on behalf of all tennis fans throughout the country and the world.

JOHN ISNER: Thank you.

THE MODERATOR: This is your show. Would you like to make a statement or I can open it up to the audience.

JOHN ISNER: You can open it up.


Q. What would you say is the overwhelming emotion for you on this day? Is it about what you had imagined it might feel like or different?

JOHN ISNER: It's a range of emotions. There's, of course, a lot of disappointment with the result of my singles match today, but at the same time a lot of gratitude, as well, just to have one last time playing in an atmosphere like that.

It was very cool. As I said on the court, that's why I work so hard. Hard to explain how bad my body feels (smiling). I'm not talking right now because it does, but just in general lately. So everything I do to get it ready to play, there's a lot that goes into it.

I wanted one more US Open, and was able to get that, so... It was a fun match overall. Of course, the result is disappointing, but I'm proud of what I've achieved in my career.

Q. What have you most wanted to demonstrate about yourself on the court and off, in matches, in press conferences, and appearances?

JOHN ISNER: Yeah, I mean, on the court I like to think I'm a good competitor. I might not win every match, that's for sure. I might lose a lot of close matches. I might get tight and choke a little bit on the court. That happens. But also I care.

I love this sport, for sure. I want to be remembered as someone who competed pretty hard on the court. I think I did that, so...

But off the court, yeah, I think it's most important within the locker room to have the respect of my colleagues in the locker room. I think I have that, you know, judging from how many people have spoken to me.

Tennis is a (tearing up). It's been a huge part of my life. It's tough to say good-bye. It's not easy. But eventually this day would come. It's hard to prepare for the emotions of it, but...

Most importantly, man, I have an amazing life, for sure, and look forward to every second of that going forward.

Q. (Question regarding speaking with Mardy and James about retirement.)

JOHN ISNER: Yeah, I mean, I have spoken to them. Those two guys in particular, Andy Roddick as well, all those guys are doing great in retirement, so...

Hopefully I can do the same. I mean, as I said earlier, it's not going to be easy, for sure. I don't anticipate that. But we'll see.

I mean, I'm a pretty driven guy. I want to find what I'm passionate about, I have some ideas, and go from there.

As far as tennis goes, it might be a long time before I hit another tennis ball.

Q. What was in the last couple of years that kept you motivated to keep going out there? Was it the competitive spirit you're talking about, love of playing itself? Then was there one thing for you specifically that said, This is the time?

JOHN ISNER: Yeah, I mean, I forgot the first part of your question.

Q. What was it that kept you going?

JOHN ISNER: Yeah, I mean, I like to compete. I love to compete. I love to play in big tournaments. Losing's horrible. Losing matches like that in big tournaments. I wanted to keep giving myself opportunities to do so.

This year really, it's been tough. Last year, I mean, was all right. I broke my wrist at this tournament last year. Really ever since then things haven't been going great for me performance-wise. This year, it was tough to stay healthy and stay on the practice court. I just haven't been able to do that. Then my results suffer.

I think the decision for me was pretty easy to retire. I'm 38 years old. Played a long, long career of tennis. Really can't ask for anything more from this sport. It's given me so many amazing moments, moments I'll never forget.

Q. Can you talk about those favorite moments of your career. I'm sure there are a few.

JOHN ISNER: There's a lot. I mean, I don't want to single them out. You play for 17 years, you're able to create great memories. Most importantly, the people I've met because of tennis, that's everything to me. I met my wife because of tennis. I have four beautiful kids now, I think in large part because of this sport, so...

As I said, it's given me everything. I'm so thankful for that.

Q. Is there something in particular at the top of the list of what you want to let's say do tomorrow, something that you haven't been able to do but now you're really looking forward to?

JOHN ISNER: Probably not tomorrow. But, yeah, travel with four kids back to Texas. That will be a lot of fun (smiling).

No, there's a lot of things. I mean, a lot of places you want to see, want to travel. Luckily I've afforded myself that. I don't have to jump into anything right away. That's for sure.

But, of course, I just want to be the best -- the most important thing I can do going forward is to be the best husband and father I can be. Tennis has always allowed me to be that 'cause it's given me a great outlet to go train, work out, come back home full of energy that I can spend with my family. Definitely not going to be practicing anymore, so...

I think it's going to be an adjustment, for sure. I just got to keep trying to make good decisions along the way and be a good person. I'll definitely fail in that, but overall I think I do a pretty decent job.

Q. Tennis players, it's part of the life, every match you have a match point. Sometimes it's for you; sometimes it's against you. Did the match point at the end today feel any different from others?

JOHN ISNER: I mean, myself, I had a match point. He hit a really good serve. Obviously in my matches, I mean, it's kind of fitting it finished like it did. My matches are always on a knife's edge there. Could go either way.

It just didn't go my way today. Of course, there's some shots I want to have back. I had a volley I probably should have put away at 7-All in the tiebreaker. Didn't do it.

Yeah, so it's a tough way to go out. At the same time, I mean, I went out in front of a packed stadium, a standing ovation. Pretty cool.

Q. To lighten up the mood, can you tell us what you won't miss at all as of tomorrow?

JOHN ISNER: Yeah, I'm not going to miss the practice, truthfully. Getting my body ready to practice day in and day out, warming up, cooling down. I love to work out, but I'm going to have a lot more free time because I'm not going to the courts an hour before my practice and practicing for two hours and cooling down for an hour.

That's something I really did enjoy, but lately, the last couple years, it's become tough just because your body, some days you're not feeling it at all on the practice court. That's kind of how it's been for me lately.

THE MODERATOR: Thank you, John.


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136320-1-1145 2023-08-31 23:53:00 GMT

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