Thursday, August 31, 2023

New York, New York, USA

Stan Wawrinka

Press Conference

S. WAWRINKA/T. Etcheverry

7-6, 6-7, 6-3, 6-2



THE MODERATOR: Manageable three hours and 40 minutes.


THE MODERATOR: Give us your thought process on how you played today compared to round one.

STAN WAWRINKA: It was a big battle against a great player. I think the condition was quite good. A little different feeling with the ball. Not really easy to play the way we wanted.

I think in general the level was good. We were fighting, fighting hard. And I'm really happy to get through that one, especially after losing the second set after more than two hours with having set point. It was important to really stay with him. I saw he was a little bit struggling physically, he was a little bit getting tired.

So I'm happy the way I pushed myself to finish the match.

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. How important is it to have Magnus in your corner? How far do you think your body can carry you this tournament?

STAN WAWRINKA: I'm super happy with Magnus. He's the one in my career we had the biggest result in my career, so it's always good to be together. We know each other super well. We are still motivated to try to improve, to push each other and try to win as much as possible.

I'm happy with the work we've been doing since a year, improvement a year. Yeah, hopefully we can keep pushing.

No, physically I think I'm okay. I'm old, of course, but I feel good. Today I was more than three hours. I was feeling good on the court against a younger player.

Yeah, I think challenge not only physically, it's going to be tennis-wise. I'm playing against Sinner now, a really tough player to play. He kick my ass twice this year already at the beginning of the year. Of course, I'm playing much better now.

But, yeah, I saw him play. He's in full confidence. He won his first Masters 1000 a few weeks ago. It's going to be a really big challenge. I will have to play my best tennis to have a chance.

Q. What was it that really made you want to commit to a pretty grueling life that tennis can be with all the travel and the physical work that goes into it? You said you were old. I'm not going to call you old because I'm much older than you. But at an age when most people would hang it up, what is it that made you want to keep going?

STAN WAWRINKA: Yeah, the passion and the love of the game. As long as I'm feeling good also on the court, I'm motivated, I love the process to be back. I like the emotion I get from tennis, like today playing Court 17, full people, playing in the biggest tournaments that we have in tennis, playing some top player, top-30, top-20 player, still winning something special.

I also know the day I stop I will never find those emotion anywhere. I'm enjoying what I'm doing. I think it's an amazing life, and we are lucky to be tennis player and to travel the world, to play in the biggest tournament.

I feel like doesn't matter which age. If you still passionate about something, you shouldn't stop or change.

Q. Talk about the atmosphere on the court.

STAN WAWRINKA: No, New York, it's always an amazing atmosphere. This court is especially interesting for us. There's a lot of noise getting to the court because the way it's been build. As I say, was a great match, like a really good atmosphere, big battle on the court.

Of course, I was happy to have so much support at the end of the match.

Q. Talk about the fitness work against a guy like him who is so tough...

STAN WAWRINKA: Of course, I'm happy with the way I've been dealing with my fitness. I've been working hard since the injury to be back at the good level. So I'm happy with that.

Of course, Grand Slam, that's the positive after such a long match for me. It's good to have a day off tomorrow and try to be ready for the next match.

Q. As you've gotten older, have you changed your training regimen and/or your approach during points, especially going up against a younger player?

STAN WAWRINKA: I think I didn't change necessarily because of my age. I think all your career, you try to improve, you try to learn from what you did, you try to see what's the best for you.

I still need to practice a lot. I still push myself a lot. I do big days with a lot of session. At the end of the day hard work will always pay. As I say, I love the process to push myself to be a better tennis player.

Yeah, it's been going well so far this year. I'm happy with my level. I'm happy the way I'm winning matches in tournament. As I say, hopefully I can keep pushing myself. If it's here, perfect. If it's not, it's going to be the next tournament.

Q. Do you try to shorten points now?

STAN WAWRINKA: No, because I still feel confidence in my fitness. In my fitness, I feel confidence. I know I can last on the court. I try to play the best tennis possible against my opponent, but not because I feel tired.

Q. Your backhand was always your signature shot. Lots of players still rave about it. Has it changed at all? Do you use it differently now? Are you hitting it as well as you've ever hit it?

STAN WAWRINKA: I'm not using as good as before when I was winning Grand Slam, that's for sure. But I still try to push myself. That is still there.

Again, I think level-wise, I mean, I'm in good place. I'm happy with the way I've been pushing myself. I think I'm getting also lot of confidence last few weeks by winning matches, so I can also play more freely and I feel better on the court.

Yeah, I just want to keep going, keep pushing, and hopefully win more matches here. Again, if it's not next one, it's going to be another tournament.

Q. Can you talk a little bit about your next round against Jannik Sinner. What do you expect from that match?

STAN WAWRINKA: The first time was the best time, that's when I won it (smiling). Since that, it's been different. This year has been different.

He's amazing player. I think the condition here are really good for him. He's such a difficult player to play. I played him twice this year. Was super tough for me to keep up with him.

He's super aggressive, playing fast. He's moving well. It's tough to find really some weakness in his game. So, yeah, it's going to be interesting challenge. Hopefully I can push him a bit, try to play my game, try to be the player, aggressive on the court, and try to push him.

But, yeah, he's been full confidence. He won his first Masters 1000 few weeks ago. He's playing well since the beginning of the week. So, yeah, it's going to be tough.

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