Friday, September 1, 2023

New York, New York, USA

Jennifer Brady

Press Conference


4-6, 6-3, 6-1

THE MODERATOR: Jennifer, not obviously the result you would have liked today, but give us your assessment of the tournament, your play and in relation to your comeback.

JENNIFER BRADY: Yeah, obviously I would have liked to get the win today to be in the second week of the US Open, but unfortunately that didn't happen.

I mean, I think everybody's been talking about it, my comeback, just me not knowing when I would play again, just being away for about two years and being able to come back here and make the third round in the US Open, give myself chances to make the fourth round.

Yeah, I mean, it's exciting to be back in this position, to be back here competing again, playing on Arthur Ashe. Yeah, I mean, I gave myself some chances, but there's still a lot for me to work on, which is also a positive.

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. Adjusting to playing against someone that is such a great defender but also able to give offense, is that something where you failed getting that adjusted, it's just going to take a few matches?

JENNIFER BRADY: Yeah, I mean, I came out, I played a really good first set and two games. Then she sort of adjusted her game and she started doing what I was doing to her but the opposite.

Playing really smart and kind of just me having lack of matches, not really being able to train the way that I would have liked to. Maybe physically just not being able to maintain that level that I had in the first set.

I mean, I would have loved to keep the intensity up. Over time, I just felt the legs were getting a little bit heavier. She was starting to break me down there, just making a few extra balls. My ball just didn't have the same heaviness or impact that it did in the first set.

Q. What is next for you and what are some things you'd like to work on in singles?

JENNIFER BRADY: As of now, I mean, I've signed up for a few tournaments. That's something that I'll have to decide what tournaments I'm going to play. Right now I'm entered in Guadalajara a couple weeks from now.

I think there's a lot that I can work on, a lot of things that I can improve on. My first-serve percentage, I mean, when I'm in control of points to finish points at net, approach shots, short balls, being able to move my backhand around the court, just get fitter, stronger, up my physicality. I can go on and on.

There's a lot of things I can get better. To be where I am is something that is also -- you can look at it as a positive because I'm competing out here, I'm giving myself an opportunity, things are looking pretty good, and there's still a lot that I feel can get a lot better.

Q. You mentioned being back out here playing on Ashe. What is it like to be back in that atmosphere, know that you're out here on the biggest stage again?

JENNIFER BRADY: Yeah, actually that was my third time on Ashe. First time I played was 2017 in the fourth round. It was my first time. It felt completely different compared to when I went out there today. I felt a lot more comfortable. I felt like I belonged out there. I felt really good.

Then the second time I played there, it was during COVID, so there were no fans.

It's an incredible atmosphere. It's awesome being able to perform on the biggest stage, yeah.

Q. The first time you get out on a stage like that, is there a feeling like, I shouldn't be here?

JENNIFER BRADY: Yeah, the first time I did. The first time when I walked out there, I mean, I wasn't playing on tour very many years. It was my second Grand Slam fourth round. I let the moment kind of be so big, it kind of got the best of me.

I'm feeling like when I play on stadium courts, I feel like I belong there. I'm excited to be able to go out there and play.

Q. What do you think of Caroline's level after her comeback?

JENNIFER BRADY: Yeah, honestly I've never watched her play before or played against her. I don't know. I can't really compare her level before or after coming back from retirement.

I'm sure she's been training a lot, getting fitter, stronger. Yeah, I mean, it was good enough to beat me today, so...

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
136350-1-1063 2023-09-01 22:19:00 GMT

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