Friday, September 1, 2023

New York, New York, USA

Dominic Stricker

Press Conference


2-6, 7-5, 7-6, 3-6, 6-2

THE MODERATOR: Dominic, your thoughts on your play advancing to the next round.

DOMINIC STRICKER: Feels great. Again, very, very long match today. Just super happy right now to be through. I played I would say not my best tennis today, but it's like these matches are always tough to win.

I'm just super happy to win that match and to be in the next round.

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. Describe the emotions that you feel. Have you heard from Stan Wawrinka?

DOMINIC STRICKER: Yeah, feels great. Feels amazing actually to be in the fourth round for the first time in my life. I'm just super happy. The qualifying week wasn't easy. I saved match point in the second round. We were joking a bit that some good stories happen if you save match points. Now being in the fourth round, I would say it's kind of a story.

Yeah, just great. Also to be here with the other Swiss players like Stan and Belinda playing now, it's just great.

Q. Are you going to be able to have some chocolate?

DOMINIC STRICKER: I hope so. Maybe I can get some chocolate today.

Q. Obviously you've been focused on your tennis, but how have you been spending your time back at the hotel or when you've had free time? How have you been mentally getting away from 24/7 focus on this?

DOMINIC STRICKER: I think I'm just enjoying the moment right now. I'm spending a lot of time with my team off court, going for dinner together, going for lunch, going to see some stuff in the city. We went to the Michael Jackson musical earlier this week. Yeah, just enjoying as much as I can to see the city and focus on tennis whenever I have to.

Q. You've played a lot of matches at this point. How do you stay grounded?

DOMINIC STRICKER: I think that's just me, how I've ever been, to stay grounded. I'm super happy right now with this fourth round, but it's not over. The tournament goes on.

Yeah, I'm just going to do the best to be in a good shape for the next round.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
136357-1-1063 2023-09-02 00:50:00 GMT

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