Saturday, September 2, 2023

New York, New York, USA

Matteo Arnaldi

Press Conference

M. ARNALDI/C. Norrie

6-3, 6-4, 6-3

THE MODERATOR: Straight sets. Under two hours. Your thoughts on how you played today.

MATTEO ARNALDI: I mean, I think I played one of the best match of the year for me. I mean, I step on court and I tried to play my best tennis, try to be aggressive from the start, and I think this worked pretty well.

I don't even what to say. It was a crazy match that I was a bit nervous at the start, then at the end in the third set when I broke, but I'm really happy how it went at the end.


Q. Welcome to the fourth round of the US Open Grand Slam. Can you describe your emotions and the fan reaction to you having such an achievement over a great player like Cam, the way you dominated?

MATTEO ARNALDI: Like I said, it was a bit crazy. I'm a bit speechless. But I think I played really, really well. I mean, we planned to do what I did and it worked for all the match.

You know, that's what you hope every time but it's not that easy. I mean, today it worked really well and I think he wasn't expecting also me to play like that.

I mean, a lot of experience for me. I'm playing for the first time big players like him, and first time in the fourth round, was my first US Open main draw. I always liked this place. I always played very well from when I was junior.

So, you know, all this emotion together, I think I was able to play my best tennis. I have a lot of friends here. It was fun also. I enjoy to play.

Q. How easy will it be for you in your next match?

MATTEO ARNALDI: I don't know (smiling). Like I said now, a lot of experience. When I saw the draw, that was my goal, to go and play against him. But, you know, I never played against a World No. 1. It's just something crazy to think what I was at the start of the year and where I am now.

I'm just try to think match after match and to enjoy this moment.

Q. Could you just elaborate on the player and the style of play and what you think the key will be for you.

MATTEO ARNALDI: I mean, I don't want to say that we play very similar, but he's very physical, and I think I'm a bit physical. I try to play as much as I can, to bring the match in the long distance.

I think, I hope it's gonna be a good match, and really intense match, but you never know. I don't know where I will play, but I think I will play in Arthur Ashe or Louis Armstrong, and will be the first time for me. Also a bit of emotion at the start. I will think about it tomorrow.

Q. Three of you guys who played in Milan last year are in the fourth round here. Lehecka in Australia had a big run. Lorenzo, of course. How nice is it to see how quickly all you guys are playing at the highest level like this?

MATTEO ARNALDI: Yeah, it's very nice, I mean, too also because I think we are all friends. So to see all of us playing these kind of matches, it's fun, I think.

With them, like it was with Italians, I think we push each other. If they do good results, you think that you can do maybe also you or your friends.

So maybe some tapes or just seeing them playing that kind of matches, it give you some more energy maybe or just more power to go on court.

Q. Berrettini has Hugo Boss, and Sinner has Gucci. Which Italian designer would you like to model for?

MATTEO ARNALDI: That's a good question (smiling). I don't know.

Q. Armani?

MATTEO ARNALDI: Could be right. But now I'm with Le Coq. I have another year contract with that so I can think about it.

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136389-1-1063 2023-09-02 21:01:00 GMT

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