Saturday, September 2, 2023

New York, New York, USA

Jannik Sinner

Press Conference

J. SINNER/S. Wawrinka

6-3, 2-6, 6-4, 6-2

THE MODERATOR: Another win, four sets, under three hours. Give us your assessment of your performance today.

JANNIK SINNER: Yes, for sure it was a tough match. Always tough to play against him. We know each other every time a little bit better.

I felt today was a little bit different to play. It was a little bit more windy, but I think I handle the situation very well.

He was serving good. I knew that he was longer, the matches he played, a little bit longer, so I knew maybe physically he will go down a little bit. You know, I was just trying to focus about myself.


Q. How did you feel you served today, considering he brought a higher level than he had before against you this year? And Seal was in your box, the singer Seal. How do you know each other, if you know each other? Talk about that relationship there.

JANNIK SINNER: Yeah, I think it was two years now, I don't know him, and first time we met was here. We talked a little bit. He's obviously an incredible singer, but most importantly is a very, very nice man to be around.

You know, he talked to me that he's gonna make the European tour and everything, and then it's nice, you know, to share a little bit different, yeah, different moments, no? Not only talking about tennis. So it's always nice.

Yeah, my serve today, talking about tennis, I felt like in important moments I was serving a little bit better. Still some things that I can improve or that I have to improve if I want to raise my level. But was struggling a little bit with the second serve today. Was a little bit slower, but, you know, every match has its own story. Let's see what's coming in the next round.

Q. I was wondering when you first saw the Corona Boys several months ago, did you think they would become this huge worldwide sensation? What's it like to have them on your side and generate hype for you as a player?

JANNIK SINNER: It's nice to see them every time that I play, no? I follow them also on the socials, and, you know, they may cause funny videos and everything.

I met them after the match now, just a quick handshake for the first time. Our relationship that is just started.

Yeah, it's nice to see them, no? I knew when they were doing like this, that maybe they are a little bit different than the other fans. I guess that was the case, so I'm very happy to have them (smiling).

Q. Obviously you don't know who you're playing next yet, but wondering if you could just explain the challenges that both Grigor and Sascha present to you. You have had tough matches against both of them in the past.

JANNIK SINNER: Yeah, Grigor, I played against him this year in Miami. It was a very good match. I remember they are two different types of players. Sascha is serving very, very good. Physically he is strong again.

I know him maybe a little bit worse because I haven't played against him since pretty long time now, so it would be nice to face him.

If it's Grigor, it's a different kind of match. You know, he change the game in a different way. You know, he makes a lot of slice. He is serving good also.

So let's see. Let's see who it is and we will try to be prepared.

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136397-1-1145 2023-09-02 23:15:00 GMT

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