Sunday, September 3, 2023

New York, New York, USA

Karolina Muchova

Press Conference


6-3, 5-7, 6-1

THE MODERATOR: Three sets. Tell us the difference in set No. 3 that enabled you to have such a decisive third set to capture the win.

KAROLINA MUCHOVA: Oh, the difference in the Set 3, I think I got back a little bit with my game what I played in the first set. I tried to, yeah, be more efficient, to play slices, to change the rhythm basically. Not to just hit with her, like, in the second set, and I think that was the key.


Q. Now quarterfinals at all four slams for you. When you took that bathroom break after the second set, what was the thing that you told yourself in order to not only deal with how well she was playing and just the tension of the moment, but also the heat out there?

KAROLINA MUCHOVA: Well, I basically went to change, because I was really, it was really warm, and I was all sweaty, so that for sure helped me to change clothes. And, yeah, I was just trying to think more on the court and then to change it to here and there play a rally, but then to go to the net and slicing and dropshots.

I think that was the way to win the match.

Q. Was AC/DC on your mind throughout...

KAROLINA MUCHOVA: No, I don't even know why I said that. That was the only one that came to my mind when the reporter asked me.

Q. In the third set, obviously you have had the success that you have had in the last few months of pulling out those tough wins and things like that. Does that feel different now when you are taken into a decider compared to, let's say, first half of the season where maybe your confidence of being able to pull it out might have been lower?

KAROLINA MUCHOVA: Well, I had I think basically every match in Cincinnati I played in three-setters, so I gained some confidence from that.

It's always tricky and hard to, yeah, to go through the third set. I think she really played well in the second. So yeah, I was confident in my game that if I keep the things that I told myself that it can work, but I didn't know how she's gonna come out there. I think the breakpoint that I made on 3-1 I could see that from that point I was the leader in the match.

Q. Saw the post on your Instagram of you working out in Central Park. Wondered how you felt about this city. Different players talk about it differently. It's obviously a big feature of this Grand Slam. Some people find it overwhelming and distracting, and they kind of try and block everything out. Other people try and embrace it all. Where do you stand on that?

KAROLINA MUCHOVA: Well, I took a day off yesterday from tennis club, so I wanted to enjoy the day and turn off the head a little bit.

We have a hotel very close to the Central Park. Really, I love it. Yeah, I had some walk, some stretching. I like the city so well, as well as the Central Park. But as well the coffee shops and the restaurants and everything they can offer, I always take that.

Q. Does it feel different this time at all, making a major quarterfinal? Does it feel less, I don't know, does it feel like a big deal, does it not? What's your reaction to it?

KAROLINA MUCHOVA: This was the last one that I was missing as a quarterfinal, so I'm really glad that I made it. I mean, it feels good, but yeah, I don't want to stop here. So I don't really put it in my head like it's something -- I'm really proud of myself I made it here, but yeah, still looking forward to go to the next round.

Q. With Sorana in the next round for you, and you played her three times this year, including three weeks ago, your thoughts about that matchup with how she has her on-court skill like you, as well as just the thought with your all-court talent, if you think, hey, I can be the best player in the world with my on-court game?

KAROLINA MUCHOVA: She's playing some great tennis. As you mentioned, we played three times, and I'll for sure have to be ready and well prepared to play her and to have a chance in a match.

And, yeah, I believe that with my game I can be at the top.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
136428-1-1063 2023-09-03 19:55:00 GMT

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