Monday, September 4, 2023

New York, New York, USA

Marketa Vondrousova

Press Conference


6-7, 6-3, 6-2

THE MODERATOR: Three sets, two hours. What did you do differently after the first set?

MARKETA VONDROUSOVA: Yeah, I mean, she started, you know, very well. She was just smashing the ball everywhere, making me run so much. I feel like she actually played, you know, a great match. So I just had to fight, you know, till the very end.

Yeah, credits to her for a great match.


Q. You pulled out of the doubles. What injury do you have and what effect is it having on you?

MARKETA VONDROUSOVA: Yeah, I mean, I just feel my arm, you know. So we decided, you know, not to play today. It's a bit sad, because it's Barbora's last tournament, so it was a tough decision. You have to put your health first.

Yeah, we decided together.

Q. What is the problem with the arm and what did you experience both during the match and after the match with it?

MARKETA VONDROUSOVA: Yeah, it's just from the balls. They are very heavy and the season is long, so I feel like, you know, you just, you know, you just have to fight through it.

Yeah, we'll see. I have day off tomorrow, so that's gonna help. Yeah, we'll see what's gonna happen.

Q. Is this something you have been dealing with for the last couple of days? When you had to tell Barbora about it, what was her reaction?

MARKETA VONDROUSOVA: No, it actually started the match before in the third round. Yeah, I mean, I played tough matches. Yeah, the season is very long, and I feel like the balls are not helping, you know, with everything.

So, yeah, I mean, it's tough but yeah, I just, you know, I just fought through it and I'm very happy with my win.

Yeah, of course it was a bit sad. I cried a bit when I told Barbora. Yeah, I mean, I had so many injuries that I don't want to, you know, play with some more.

Yeah, I mean, she's a great person, you know, so she told me, It's okay.

I was, like, It's your last tournament. I don't want to do it.

She was, like, Okay, we have to play 100% or we don't play. So it was okay. She's a great person.

Q. Did she ultimately convince you to pull out or your idea?

MARKETA VONDROUSOVA: No, my coach told me just don't play, and he actually told Barbora first and then she came to me. Yeah, I mean, she's very experienced player, you know, and I'm just very grateful to have her by my side and it's so good that she understands.

Q. You played super late two days ago, like at midnight and today you're the first match out. Is that a hard adjustment? How do you spend the day in the middle to get your body ready to totally change?

MARKETA VONDROUSOVA: Yeah, I feel like it's also the reason, you know, that why this is happening, because I played, you know, at midnight. Like, I slept just few hours and I didn't practice yesterday because I was, you know, very tired. Then we woke up today at 6:40.

So it's, I don't know, I feel like it's very tough for our bodies to do that. You just have to adjust so many things, you know, if you're playing, you know, second after 7:00, then you're playing first.

So it's like, I feel like, I didn't sleep for two days. Yeah, I'm just very happy that I just kept fighting.

Q. Tennis is such a tough game, but it's a great game too. It teaches a lot of lessons, a lot of insights. You have had such an incredible career, ups, downs, all over the place. If you had to step back and say just what are the one or two things that this game has taught you, a tough question, but...

MARKETA VONDROUSOVA: Yeah, I mean, for me, you know, the hard work pays off, and then I feel like for me it's the patience, because I had great tournaments. Then I had two surgeries. So it's very tough, you know, for my head also.

Yeah, I feel like I just, you know, stayed patient and just kept believe in myself and believe in my game, so I feel like for me it's, yeah, patience.

Q. Have you noticed any difference at all at this tournament either behind the scenes, in the locker room, interactions with fans, now that you are a Grand Slam champion?

MARKETA VONDROUSOVA: Yeah, definitely. You know, in my practice schedule it's easier to go, you know, on the bigger courts. Yeah, the fans, you know, I see that, you know, it's a lot of people.

Yeah, they recognize me much more. But I feel like it's a nice thing to have, you know. It's very nice to see people just, you know, just support you. I'm really enjoying it.

Q. What about other players?

MARKETA VONDROUSOVA: I mean, I don't feel like something changed so much. I feel like, you know, we are, like, in a really good place. I'm friends with, you know, so many players. So I don't feel like it changed so much.

Q. Wondering about your thoughts about heading into your very first US Open quarterfinal match against Madison Keys.

MARKETA VONDROUSOVA: Yeah, I mean, I'm very happy with the win today. You know, it was a tough match. Yeah, Maddie, she's playing great tennis. We practiced before the tournament. She was playing great.

I expect, you know, tough match. Yeah, I mean, now in the quarterfinals I feel like everything can happen. I'm just gonna go out there and try my best.

Q. You have won now 11 matches in a row at slams. It's not always easy to back up a Grand Slam title. What does the consistency and continued success mean to you?

MARKETA VONDROUSOVA: It means everything, because yeah, you know, after Wimby, the first tournaments I was feeling nervous. I wanted to play good. I wanted to win some back-to-back matches. I actually didn't expect that, you know, because I feel like it's a very tough position. You know, it's, I don't know, it's a lot of pressure also.

So, yeah, I'm just very happy that I hold my nerves and everything, and, you know, I'm just trying to keep my tennis. Yeah, I'm just very grateful to be here.

Q. What advantages can you see that you have by being left-handed when you're playing tennis?

MARKETA VONDROUSOVA: I mean, it's tough to say, because I feel some of the girls have better backhands, so I don't feel like it's advantage in that. Maybe lefty serve. But I feel like they just get used to it.

Sometimes it's good if they have weaker backhands, but then, like, if they have better backhands, then it's tough for me also. I don't feel like it's a lot of advantages.

Q. You mentioned of course that you're facing Maddie Keys and that you practiced with her. What are your observations on her game and her road from having made it to the finals here several years ago to having her level where it is right now, and in some ways your own story of following up injuries and being at your best right now?

MARKETA VONDROUSOVA: Yeah, I mean, I feel like she's a great player. She has such a great season also. She's playing really fast. You know, her serve is amazing.

Yeah, I think I gonna run so much for everything (smiling). Yeah, I mean, I feel like, you know, she's at home also. She played finals here couple years ago. I feel like, you know, she feels great here, so it's going to be a very tough match.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
136472-1-1063 2023-09-04 20:20:00 GMT

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