Monday, September 4, 2023

New York, New York, USA

Carlos Alcaraz

Press Conference

C. ALCARAZ/M. Arnaldi

6-3, 6-3, 6-4

THE MODERATOR: Carlos, three sets, under two hours. At this point in the tournament, going into the second week, are you satisfied with your game?

CARLOS ALCARAZ: Yeah, I'm very happy with the level that I'm playing. Honestly, I've played great matches with a great level, high quality. I hope to keep going like this.


Q. The way that you hit the ball today, Matteo was saying he couldn't find any weaknesses in your game, describe how you were hitting the ball and also the inspiration you get from Carlo Ancelotti.

CARLOS ALCARAZ: The second one, what was that?

Q. Carlo Ancelotti.

CARLOS ALCARAZ: Yeah, we try to show that to opponent, try to not let him to find weakness to my game. I try to put him to the limit every time that I can in every match, against every opponent. I try to put my own game, try to put my style on the match.

I'm happy that he said that 'cause I'm doing great things on the court. I try to hit the ball really clear in every match. I'm really happy with that.

And the second one, I'm really, really happy to be able to meet these kind of persons, one of the best coach in football history. That's no doubt about it. It's great to be able to talk a little bit with him when I can.

Obviously it's a great inspiration for a lot of person.

Q. We don't know who your next opponent will be, but if you could take both separately and describe what you've experienced and what you look forward to, Sinner and Zverev.

CARLOS ALCARAZ: Well, I think everybody wants that match. I think when the draw came out, everybody wants that potential quarterfinal, Jannik against me, because of the matches against him last year. It was one of the best matches that I've played in my career.

Against him is going to be a really tough one. The head-to-head is really, really close against him. I think we push to the limits each other when we face each other. We increase our level to the top. I love playing against him. It is a great battle.

Against Sascha, the head-to-head as well is really, really close. We've played great matches. He's playing really, really well. This year he's finding his top level again.

It's going to be a really fun, fun match to watch tonight between them, and let's see I going to play because going to be a really tough quarterfinal.

Q. It's a giant stadium out there, a lot of possible distractions. Do you try not to look up at the big screens? Do you ever see them and notice famous people that they show?

CARLOS ALCARAZ: I try not to see it, but it's impossible for me (smiling). I always see the biggest screen when I in the bench, during the game. They replay from great points, I love to see it again.

On the bench, the people around the crowd, I love to see because there are some times they put funny matches. It help me a lot for me to smile, to laugh about it, as well.

I love to watch that, the big screen.

Q. Do you ever notice when they show famous people, athletes, actors?

CARLOS ALCARAZ: Yeah, I notice when they're watching. Sometimes, Oh, my God, he's there or she's there. It's crazy.

Q. Anybody this week you had that reaction to?

CARLOS ALCARAZ: I didn't expect that Ben Stiller is there today. I knew before the match that Jimmy and J Balvin is going to come. Anybody else, I think this really was good for me.

Q. This is the first time you're defending a Grand Slam title. Through these first four matches, how has that experience of being the defending champion at a massive tournament like this been different for you than playing in other tournaments?

CARLOS ALCARAZ: Well, honestly I didn't feel anything different. I try not to think about the defending champion. I just try to be focus on my game, on my own game, on what I have to do to put my best level on court.

For me, anything else matter than playing my level and be happy with the level that I'm playing on court. That's the only thing I care about right now.

I put out all the pressure that people put on you, on the defending champions. I just delete it and focus on my own game.

Q. Noticed you had some tape on your left leg today for the first time in the tournament. Could you talk about how you're feeling, why you had that.

CARLOS ALCARAZ: Well, it's really tough playing in a Grand Slam. You play tough matches during two weeks. For me it's normal that some pains came to your body, and you have to take care about it.

It's nothing serious, it's just for prevention. I mean, I felt a little bit that pain on the left leg, but as I said nothing serious. Just taking care about it.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
136473-1-1063 2023-09-04 21:37:00 GMT

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