Monday, September 4, 2023

New York, New York, USA

Zheng Qinwen

Press Conference

Q. ZHENG/O. Jabeur

6-2, 6-4

THE MODERATOR: Straight sets, hour and 20 minutes. As you reflect back, give us your thoughts on what you did well in this match.

ZHENG QINWEN: Well, honestly this match was really difficult. I mean, the things I'm doing better than her today I think is just I have more aggressive than her. Most of the times I'm the one who's managed the game more than her.

There is lot of tough moments, especially in the second set when I was leading 5-2 up. I just feel in that moment I don't really be aggressive like I was. I was little bit doubting of the shot. I feel in that moment she get the chance back. She start to be more aggressive than me.

After I lost these two games, I start to telling myself if I have to won the match, I need to play aggressive player like what I done in the first set.

Honestly I did tell and I'm happy to win the match at the end.

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. What was the song you were singing in your head when you won the match point? How were you able to stay calm in that 5-4 game?

ZHENG QINWEN: Well, there's lot of emotion in that moment. But, like I say, don't think about the result in that moment. I have to be what I have to be. I have to do what I have to do on court. Which means I need to focus on my serve and play aggressive. Just focus on each ball coming at me and don't think too far away. I think that's the key for me.

Q. She felt your forehand was tough with the spin. Can you talk about how well you played all the way to the 5-2? How did Wim feel about how well you played?

ZHENG QINWEN: Yes, forehand is always one of the biggest shot I have. I mean, I can play flat. I can put lot of topspin on. She don't have too much tall, so I know I need to play more spin against her, not too much flat balls.

Of course, Wim is happy about my performance today because I'm really have different compared to the last round. I'm really trying to be more aggressive, like what I say, trying to come more to the net, take all the chance that I have.

Q. Big emotion from you on match point. How important was it for you to finally break this wall and make your first Grand Slam quarterfinal? How does it feel?

ZHENG QINWEN: Well, honestly the feeling was fantastic, especially in that moment. I feel this is like important win for me. Like you say, it's a breakthrough. Especially I got good tennis today. It's not I win a tennis, like, defensive way. I win the match today just by my own to really go ahead to take the match.

I think that's what make the difference.

Q. You talk about getting aggressive, staying aggressive. You've always been an aggressive player. At what point did you start to find yourself generally kind of moving away from that and maybe not playing as aggressively as you want? What has been the key to getting you to be that way now?

ZHENG QINWEN: Yeah, 'cause the last match I make such a difficult score with the opponent because I feel that I'm not enough aggressive. I give her lot of chance. When I got the short ball, I don't really step in and attack.

After last match I say to myself, Against Ons, I have to really dictate the games. Once I drop a bit, like what I did in 5-2, she will just take the chance. If I want to win the match today, I have to be aggressive. Of course, I need to be able to defense lot of balls, to be aggressive player, need to find a balance.

I'm happy that today I found the right balance to get win this match.

Q. You talked that you had a little bit of difficulty this year finding your game through the clay and grass season. Were there ever moments you thought a moment like this would not happen this year?

ZHENG QINWEN: Well, actually no 'cause I always been waiting this moment to happen. Honestly, at beginning of year I'm thinking it's going to happen very fast. Because I'm focusing that moment too much about the result and I lost little bit the patience of myself, that's affect a lot to my tennis part.

You can see I have lot of mistake there. I will say this is just part of my thinking. Of course, I'm super happy to being here, but I will not use the word like 'surprised' because I know what I'm capable to do. I know if I can, I have to focus in right moment right here and don't think too far. I don't want to have the same mistake like at beginning of the year.

Q. What are you capable of doing in this sport?

ZHENG QINWEN: Well, I always believe that I'm able to beat everyone if I play the right tennis that I have to play. Of course, the opponent will also play good. There is going to be lot of competition inside. But I believe that if I'm really there fighting for every point, I mean, things going to happen (smiling).

You can't never say that, but we will see. I'm just going to try to give my best on court, enjoy the match.

Q. Is that the happiest you ever felt on a tennis court?

ZHENG QINWEN: Well, yes, in the past all these years, yeah, is the most happy moment when I just beat the match today.

Q. You said earlier this year you weren't as patient, you had to wait for your moment. How did you become more patient? Was that you thinking about yourself or speaking with people in your team?

ZHENG QINWEN: First of all, I mean, when I'm on the tennis court, sometimes I been just thinking too far away about the future, what's happen if I going to win, what's happen if I going to lost.

But you don't have to think like that 'cause in that moment you are not focus on the tennis ball, you are not focus on the present right now.

I mean, yeah, 'cause what's going to happen later is later of you what you going to think, not this moment. In this moment you can only be focus on the court. It's only the things you can control.

I think that's one of the key for me. Obviously, like I say, be aggressive player and take the chance.

Q. You mentioned coming to the net. How has that aspect of your game developed? When you were younger, did you come much to the net?

ZHENG QINWEN: Honestly, when I'm kid, I'm not coming to the net too much. As a pro, I feel if I want to make next step, I really have to believe on that. I have to be more aggressive. When I have the chance, really go for it, go to the net. I feel if I can be able to make more winners at the net, that will be big change and big development for my game.

Q. From the outside looking in, it's very easy to say, She hired Wim and won her first title, she's now in the first quarterfinal. That might not be the case. Can you talk about what he has helped to change in terms of getting your career onto the current path that it is?

ZHENG QINWEN: Actually he be help me a lot because I feel I'm more stable mentally, especially when I start to work with him. I don't have too much up and downs like what I have at beginning of the year. I just talk about not on the tennis court, just general personality. I become a more calm person, not like always get fire in the practice. It's funny to say that, but honestly that was the truth (smiling).

Yeah, he always telling me that believe on myself. I think that's the key.

One of the things I always say that he told me, I have to be more aggressive than what I'm thinking 'cause it's there, I really have the chance to take the match. Sometimes I got some loss because I'm not enough aggressive. For example, I feel in French Open, in there I'm too offensive player.

Q. What is your favorite surface?

ZHENG QINWEN: Well, just speak truth, I will feel more, like, I know what I have to do more clearly on clay court. Also I like to play on hard court because there is lot of things you are able to do on hard court.

I mean, grass court, I still needs to figure out maybe that I need to improve my serve and volley, I will say. I'm always interesting to really improve on my game. So maybe in next Wimbledon the match you will see I will do more serve and volley, but who knows.

Yeah, my favorite surface I will say hard and clay court.

Q. What is your first recollection, memory, about Li Na, or any role model?

ZHENG QINWEN: You just say the right name. Actually was Li Na. If you want to say the first memory, 'cause when she won the French Open champion, the real first time, the first Asia who won a Grand Slam, that give a lot to young kid, especially for me. In that moment I start to think, Oh, as an Asia, we also able to won a Grand Slam at big stage like that.

'Cause before that, tennis isn't so popular in China. I mean, my parents doesn't know what is tennis before I start to play. That's true (smiling).

Yeah, after Li Na tennis become more popular sport in China. Thanks to her a lot. She also put a dream seed in my heart that I want to become like that, yeah.

Q. The autographs, the happiness, can you talk about that moment, how you feel now of being confident, talked about Coco. Do you feel, I'm just as good as anyone?

ZHENG QINWEN: Well, actually I prefers just stay in the normal level that I was. Don't treat those things like amazing. I mean, just treat them normal. Just focus on where I am now day by day.

But I will not change my speech. I still think that Coco was really talented player, like I told you last time, yeah.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
136477-1-1063 2023-09-05 00:36:00 GMT

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