Wednesday, September 6, 2023

New York, New York, USA

Emil Miske

Jaroslav Blazek

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: We have the coaches up here for your questions, so let's begin.

Q. Coaches, congratulations on getting to another Grand Slam semifinal. Jaroslav, with how Karolina has always been so talented, what has now got her physically strong now where she can be able to then play her best tennis without having to worry about an injury?

JAROSLAV BLAZEK: Yeah, thank you. I mean, first of all, Karolina is however she's looking, like a easygoing girl. She's a hard worker as well, and she's realizing what's going on. I mean, it's based on every days working out.

For sure it depend, you know, if it is match day or training day, but every day she's trying, you know, to make a lot of exercises and just to work on the prevention against the previous injuries. You know, every day sometimes you have to figure it out some small, but yeah, I mean, it's because of this.

So, yeah, that's how is it going. Every day is working out, and yeah. Emil?

EMIL MISKE: I think that you talked everything (smiling).

JAROSLAV BLAZEK: Yeah. Yeah, so we will try to make the best to prepare her for the next match, and I'm pretty sure that she will adapt 100%.

Q. A couple weeks ago in Cincinnati, Karolina seemed to struggle on that last day with the heat. It's going to be hot again on Thursday probably. I'm just curious how you guys talked about that, she probably doesn't like the heat, it doesn't sound like.

JAROSLAV BLAZEK: Obviously (smiling).

Q. I'm sort of curious how does that play a role in the preparations and how do you work through it?

JAROSLAV BLAZEK: Yeah, so as you know, she's coming from Czech Republic, so there is no (indiscernible) use on it.

But as you said, in Cincinnati it was, like, the humidity and the temperature was there, high, as well. So, I mean, through those matches, she's using on those conditions. If you will speak about match tomorrow, I'm not sure the match is already set up at 7:00 p.m. or...

If you ask then the humidity is very high, but they are not going to play straight in the sun, which is very helpful. Yeah...

Q. Don't they have to play the early match, because...

JAROSLAV BLAZEK: As I said, I'm not sure.

Q. Because the people who played yesterday usually play the early match, and the people who play today usually play the late match.

JAROSLAV BLAZEK: Okay. So it's to be surprised.

Yeah, and the thing is that she's, you know, trying all the time to make 100% like the hit rotations plan and cooling stuffs and so on. But it's as tough for her, as is obviously.

Yeah, so you ask about a final in Cincinnati, how was it?

Q. Well, yeah, and just the preparation. Is there anything you do in the next 24 hours?

JAROSLAV BLAZEK: Yeah, it was, like, a funny situation in Cincinnati. When we step for the warmup on the court, it was, like, a hit, like, Oh, Jesus.

It was very tough one. So she knowed how was it be, how it would be. I mean, you can prepare her like, as I said, hit rotations plan and all the time cooling, but first of all preparing the mindset, that you should be ready that it's gonna be like in hell (smiling).

So, yeah, if you know what to expect, it's always better. However the situation is it what is it. Yeah.

Q. What makes Gauff so difficult? She's obviously playing well. What makes her difficult to play against her?

JAROSLAV BLAZEK: Yeah, it's probably more the question on the main coach.

EMIL MISKE: First of all, excuse my bad English. So maybe Jaro will speak.

JAROSLAV BLAZEK: Okay. So the first thing, like, we are realizing that the crowd will be not probably on our side, yeah. And we know how Coco is playing right now. Like, she's in good shape and the results showed us that right now is she's in very good mood.

But honestly, we are thinking like Karolina is playing better than before, like, two weeks before. I mean, compared with her performance in the final. So we believe it will be enough. And there is a big chance and we are expecting a big fight. There is no doubt.

Q. Just to follow up on that. What improvements have you seen in the last two weeks from your perspective?

JAROSLAV BLAZEK: Yeah. I mean, it's like generally she's better moving, serving, and the mindset. The self-confidence grew up, but yeah. So that's, you know, every match when you win it's kicking you up a little bit, like. So definitely self-confidence and hand by hand everything is getting better.

However, Cincinnati is a very big tournament and great tournament, US Open is a high one. It's something what's working like motivation for Karolina. So we are sure that she will fight like a lion, let's say.


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136515-1-1063 2023-09-06 19:13:00 GMT

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