Friday, September 8, 2023

New York, New York, USA

Carlos Alcaraz

Press Conference

D. MEDVEDEV/C. Alcaraz

7-6, 6-1, 3-6, 6-3

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. This was one of the first nights we saw you almost sort of lose your temper on the court, the moment with your racquet. I'm curious, what were you feeling and what was going through your head? How did you keep control?

CARLOS ALCARAZ: Well, I think I started the match pretty well. It was a close first set.

In the tiebreak, you know, after 3-All in the tiebreak, I, let's say, I lose my mind. I make three or four points without control. I didn't think. I totally lose my mind on that set, and fighting for 50 minutes and then, you know, for four points lose my mind. It was really tough for me to handle it.

You know, in the second set I didn't came back. It was almost in the moon (smiling). For me it was tough. Obviously Daniil, he was playing great. You know, it was tough for me to came back, you know, to the match and playing a great game again.

You know, I almost threw the racquet to floor, but I just control myself just be in the moment, but it was tough for me to stay calm.

Q. I just wanted to ask you, coming into the tournament this year you said you were a different player, a different person, more mature. How will that help you as you process the match tonight going forward?

CARLOS ALCARAZ: Well, you know, these kind of matches can happen even if I feel myself different player, more mature. You know, he played really, really great, a great game. So I couldn't find solutions on the match.

You know, I thought that, you know, right now I am better player to find solutions when the match is not going in the right direction for you. But, you know, after this match, you know, I gonna change my mind. I'm not mature enough to handle these kind of matches. So I have to learn about it.

Q. What you just said about maturity and all that, how long do you think this loss will stay with you, stay in your mind? How long do you think it's going to hurt you?

CARLOS ALCARAZ: I don't know. Probably days, weeks. I don't know.

I don't think I'm gonna think about this loss for a long time. Of course I have to learn about it. I want to be better. You know, these kind of matches help you a lot to be better and grow up in these kind of situations.

But I have to talk with my team, with Juan Carlos, and how I can be better, but days, weeks, but not much longer than that.

Q. A lot of talk of course has been about your rivalry with Novak. How would you describe the development of a rivalry between you and Daniil now?

CARLOS ALCARAZ: Well, obviously Daniil is there. It's always there. We have played three times this year. Final of a Masters 1000 and two semifinal of a Grand Slam. I'm sure we're gonna play more matches in, you know, in final rounds of big tournaments, so it's gonna be a good rivalry, I think. Every match that we've played, I think we've shown great points, great battles. It's going to be a good one, I think.

Q. Daniil said he lost easily to you in those two matches this year. Obviously he played better today. When you say you had a hard time figuring out his game, what specifically was he doing better today that you were struggling to answer?

CARLOS ALCARAZ: He played with more speed in his shots. I think the forehand running, it was great today. Probably with the slice in the previous matches, you know, help me a lot to find my own game, but today I couldn't.

So he found great directions with his shots, no mistakes, great serve today. So I think he played his game, but, you know, 10 out of 10, that he say, so he was great today (smiling).

I have to learn about it and find solution in these kind of matches, but he played a great match.

Q. He said 12 out of 10 for him on the court. That's how well he thought he played. And yet you were still right there. Do you feel your serve, you might want to make a more aceable serve in a match like this? And do you feel the crowd support again of how they once again they wanted you to try to come back and be have you be so popular now in New York?

CARLOS ALCARAZ: Say again, please.

Q. Did you feel in terms of not only his serve but did you feel your serve wanted to be more aceable on return serves for your vantage point and about the crowd trying to urge you back in with how you're a fan favorite here now.

CARLOS ALCARAZ: Well, he's one of the best returner on the tour. That obviously is amazing how he can return from the back of the court really deep and really powerful. He's amazing. And when I do serve and volley, he always find the passing shot from, you know, from his house (laughter). In some ways amazing.

Obviously I have to, as I say, I have to find, you know, the right serve every time, and I have to serve better to be able to stay in a good position after the serve. So I will do it in the next game.

Obviously with the crowd, it's amazing, once again, the energy, the love that I receive not only today but the first match. Obviously after the two sets down, they rose me to increase my level, to stay there and have a chance to come back.

Obviously the last game was unbelievable from the crowd to me. I mean, I almost couldn't hear anything than the scream. It was crazy, and it's something that I'm not going to forget even if I lost.

But the energy from the people, it was crazy.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
136602-1-1063 2023-09-09 03:50:00 GMT

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