U.S. Women's Open

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA

Lancaster Country Club

Hinako Shibuno

Quick Quotes

Q. Hinako, good round out there. Obviously conditions are tough. Started on the back, which is probably the tougher side. Maybe talk about how you bounced back after hole 12.

HINAKO SHIBUNO: So before the 12th hole, on 11 I got a birdie, so I was in a good mood. Even though I got the double bogey on No. 12, No. 13 hole is a par-5, so I thought that I made myself this is a chance that I will change the turn and it worked.

Q. And then obviously it's playing tough but you were able to birdie two of the last three holes. Talk about how you were able to finish strong in these tough windy conditions.

HINAKO SHIBUNO: So yes, I understand, we were in tough condition, but I thought that if we start to overthinking and this is tough and tough, then it will affect me. So I tried to tell myself, no, it is not that difficult.

Yes, so that's how I convinced myself.

Q. And then obviously you played in a lot of these now. Are you getting used to these setups and where does this rank in terms of other U.S. Opens you've played?

HINAKO SHIBUNO: No, not at all.

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144646-1-1041 2024-05-30 17:10:00 GMT

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