U.S. Women's Open

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA

Lancaster Country Club

Yuri Yoshida

Quick Quotes

Q. So you started off 3-over and then obviously on a Women's Open setup, Women's Open conditions, how did you manage to get back to even?

YURI YOSHIDA: So yes, I was in a very difficult conditions. It started from 3-over, and I have to kind of get back to my own cadence.

Condition was really hard, but I started thinking that everybody is having this hard condition, so I just forget about it, complaining about the condition, and started positive.

That made me catch up to even.

Q. To get to the Women's Open you had to go through qualifying. Talk about your experience in the qualifying.

YURI YOSHIDA: So this is the first time that I took a test in the United States, and it was a 30-hole and it was tough however, and my condition was not that great.

However, I was play good and I got a good score, so then it gave me confidence.

Q. Confidence coming into the Women's Open?


Q. Okay. This is your third Women's Open or fourth Women's Open?

YURI YOSHIDA: Third one.

Q. And you missed the cut in both of the first two?


Q. What do you think you learned in those two Women's Opens that has helped you get to even par today and set yourself up to make the cut this weekend?

YURI YOSHIDA: So I changed the test location from JLPGA to the U.S. and I took the qualifying test at the U.S., and of course that condition is different from U.S. Open, but the fact and the experience that I accumulated in the U.S. made me prepare -- prepared myself.

Q. And lastly, what do you think you have to do tomorrow mentally, preparation, anything to make it to the weekend?

YURI YOSHIDA: So I think that the most important thing is that I have to have good rest, and that tomorrow is going to be another tough condition and I have to start early, so I think that tonight I would like to rest up.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
144690-1-1041 2024-05-30 23:04:00 GMT

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