U.S. Women's Open

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA

Lancaster Country Club

Catherine Park

Quick Quotes

Q. Three birdies, three bogeys, even par on the day. What are your thoughts?

CATHERINE PARK: I feel like I played good. The course is testing all parts of your game, like chipping, driving, commitment, passion.

So it was good to have my coach with me on the bag and keep me steady all the way.

Q. Anything specifically challenging within your game out there today?

CATHERINE PARK: Probably the second shots, just getting the right lines, because the greens are so sloped so just like one wrong move can like cost a lot.

So just being committed to the target lines that we both pick and the yardages. That was a big thing.

Q. Did the wind affect you this afternoon?

CATHERINE PARK: Oh, yeah, for sure. Like aiming more left with my cuts if the wind is left to right because it affects my ball more, and just can being aware of where the wind is because it switches up on you and there is a bit of gusts out there, so just staying committed.

Q. You got in through qualifying and a day before your 20th birthday.


Q. Talk me through that.

CATHERINE PARK: It was quite a great birthday week. Came into the qualifier feeling good about my game because I just came off out of Pac12s, conference, and my game was looking pretty good then, too.

Had a pretty good feeling morning of. Lost my RangeFinder so had to borrow one from the shop. Turned out great because my teammate gave me her (indiscernible) and I was able to use that.

It was great. Great way to roll over to my 20th birthday.

Q. Did you of the RangeFinder?

CATHERINE PARK: No, it was gone. Yeah.

Q. And this your second Women's Open, right?


Q. Talk me through what you might've learned in your first one, how it's helped you out here today?

CATHERINE PARK: A lot. One thing is when I was playing that U.S. Open two years ago I had a very different ball flight. I was a drawer. Came to college and now I'm a cutter with more accuracy, more than back then.

So it was just being more aware of especially -- not really much a difference just more internally, like the patience, the jitters, controlling that.

And mostly on the greens, the speed, because I knew Pine Needles was pretty fast and for sure this is a U.S. Open so the greens are going to be fast. Just keep that in mind.

Q. Would you say this has been comparable at all in terms of setup to Pine Needles?

CATHERINE PARK: For sure. It's the U.S. Open, so it's going to play hard, greens are going to be fast. Always a great experience to come out and play because it's not something you can get in college golf or anything like that.

Q. What other events you have to this summer?

CATHERINE PARK: The Palmer Cup after this and then hopefully -- and then Women's Am and then hopefully I make it to Curtis Cup and probably start of my junior year in college.

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