U.S. Women's Open

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA

Lancaster Country Club

Yuka Saso

Flash Interview

THE MODERATOR: We are joined by 2021 champion Yuka Saso. Such a good round out there today. What was working well for you?

YUKA SASO: Thank you. I actually don't know. I made really good putts. I think I was more lucky than playing good. I think I had a few very long par putts in the first few holes, as well. I think I was just very lucky, and I was able to have fun out there with Hannah and Brooke.

Q. You had five birdies, but I think maybe the most impressive part of your round may have been the par saves on 10, 11, 12. Can you talk us through those.

YUKA SASO: Yeah. 10, I hit a good shot off the tee. Second shot I kind of messed it. But I had like six, seven feet for par. Again, I was very lucky on that one.

11, as well, I put my shot to the left bunker and I had like 12 to 15 feet for par. Lucky I made it again.

12 -- I messed up the hole.

11, I hit a good shot off the tee and then hit my second shot long and I was in the rough. I had a very difficult chip and I had 15 feet for par and made it.

12, I put it in the left bunker and I had similar, like 12, 15 feet and made it again. You can tell I was very lucky today.

Q. Having won a U.S. Open, what kind of confidence does it give you when you return to this event every year?

YUKA SASO: It always feels good to be back and seeing familiar faces like you, Julia. It's good to see you every year once a year.

But it's a U.S. Open. It's a major. It's the biggest major championship, and I think it's one of the most difficult weeks that we'll play in a year. Obviously I don't tell myself to be confident or anything like that.

I think more like trying to enjoy and have fun with playing partners and just be comfortable.

Q. I know it's early, first round, but you're on top of the leaderboard. How does your mindset change as a past champion going into the next couple of rounds?

YUKA SASO: I don't think I'll change anything. There's so much golf left. Like I said earlier, the golf course is very difficult and the conditions are very tough, especially with the wind with it swirling and when it's blowing 15 miles per hour with the firm greens and fast greens.

I think just stay focused and trust the process that I've been doing and just have fun out there.

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