U.S. Women's Open

Friday, May 31, 2024

Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA

Lancaster Country Club

Mi Hyang Lee

Quick Quotes

Q. Okay, Mi Hyang, great playing today.

MI HYANG LEE: Thank you.

Q. Low round of the championship. Maybe talk about your mindset going into this morning's round.

MI HYANG LEE: So it was really like struggling my putt yesterday but I more dropped the putt today so it was more better.

Also I think I made more chance today; my shot was more better as well. Then I really happy to hit a lot of fairways today, so it's really easy to make more chances.

Q. And then this is your ninth U.S. Women's Open. Can you maybe talk about how you've learned to play these U.S. Open setups? And then your low finish was here in 2015. You have good vibes around this course.

MI HYANG LEE: Yes, it was nine years ago actually, so, yes, it was my best finish in the U.S. Open. I think it was tied 12th maybe.

Still it was a really hard golf course at the time, but I think this is more longer and more tougher, too. But, yeah, still I'm going to just try to do my best and then hopefully I can make more like good scores.

Q. And then 5, 7, 8. You birdied those and had some momentum. Any shot that stood out?

MI HYANG LEE: I think my shot was really good today so I had a lot of chance front nine. I mean, so back nine for here.

It didn't drop, though, a lot of lipped out and just tried to be patient. So I think a little lately drop like from the No. 5 but still, but was good momentum for to make the birdie at the par-5 and then was good tee shot at par-3, No. 8.

And was great putt, being too. Yeah.

Q. You have some time before the third round; obviously tomorrow late afternoon. Talk about what you'll do differently or stay the same for the weekend.

MI HYANG LEE: No, really want to stay the same. Hopefully drop a lot of putt and hopefully keep the fairway and green. I want to play it simple. Not any hard shot.

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