U.S. Women's Open

Friday, May 31, 2024

Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA

Lancaster Country Club

Sakura Koiwai

Quick Quotes

Q. 69 today. Talk about your round and how impressed were you with yourself?

SAKURA KOIWAI: So eagle was great; however, I finished bogey, bogey, so that it was really a little bit unregrettable finish.

So I would like to change my mind and I would like to have a very good, fresh start tomorrow.

Q. Talk about the eagle. You made a long putt.

SAKURA KOIWAI: So that was a chip-in eagle.

Q. So you chipped in, like a 30-foot chip?

SAKURA KOIWAI: About 15 yards.

Q. What did you hit, what club?

SAKURA KOIWAI: 58 degree, approach.

Q. Was it something you thought you could make or were you just trying to get it close?

SAKURA KOIWAI: So before I shot I was thinking about birdie. I was not thinking that I will make eagle. I was very surprised and happy.

Q. Last one from me. Going to be in good position going into the weekend. What is it going to take to get the job done?

SAKURA KOIWAI: So I just finished the first half and I made a cut. Now for the final rounds I would like to make good scores and I would like to keep in good position.

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