U.S. Women's Open

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA

Lancaster Country Club

Sakura Koiwai

Quick Quotes

Q. Four birdies, four bogeys. Just talk a little bit about the round.

SAKURA KOIWAI: So it was good that I made four birdies; however, especially the nine holes I made three bogeys, and that is something regretful, especially that I made birdie on 18th hole every day so far.

So tomorrow I would like to finish strong.

Q. How are you going to approach 18 differently tomorrow to make sure you avoid that again?

SAKURA KOIWAI: So right now I think that I'm very -- having the hit stable; however, for the 18th hole I have to make sure that increase the accuracy of tee the shot and the second shot.

And if I make any mistakes it will lead to bogeys, so I have to be careful about accuracy of those two hits.

Q. Third U.S. Open. Missed the cut the first time. I believe T20 second time. This is potentially your best finish. What have you learned that helped you get this far?

SAKURA KOIWAI: So rather than -- I don't know what I learned, but that this course, which is considered one of the very difficult courses, and I am hitting pretty well, so that means that I'm getting good at the accuracy of the shots. So that is giving my confidence, too.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
144782-1-1041 2024-06-01 21:23:00 GMT

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