U.S. Women's Open

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Houston, Texas, USA

Champions Golf Club

Linnea Strom

Quick Quotes

Q. How did you play today?

LINNEA STROM: I played steady. I feel like when I missed it, I missed it in the right spots, so it was easy par saves, and I only had one bogey today and then three birdies. Overall pretty steady. I mean, it was fun to play the course, and I think the tricky part today was the wind. It's kind of swirling like between the trees. It's hard to figure out if it's going to help or if it's going to hurt. But yeah, I think I just played pretty steady and enjoyed it out there.

Q. Talk about tomorrow; what are you looking for tomorrow? How will you prepare for tomorrow?

LINNEA STROM: Well, I think I'm just going to try and go over the yardage book again for tomorrow and just see where the pins are and just have a good strategy and continue to play smart out there because some of the pins can be pretty tricky.

Q. Any concern about the weather or the earlier tee times?

LINNEA STROM: Well, no. What I saw was a bit earlier. I don't mind that. I don't know, are we expecting rain?

Q. In the afternoon.

LINNEA STROM: Yeah, okay. Well, just take it as it comes, and hopefully we can finish the round tomorrow.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
103313-1-1002 2020-12-10 21:08:00 GMT

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